A rising senior I am mentoring is a naturally talented writer and well educated overall. She read voraciously and writes poetry and prose for pleasure. She's bright and hardworking. She is most likely to be accepted into Tier 2 schools, top state universities, and high-quality liberal arts colleges.
She is eager to attend a challenging summer writing program but has never before attended a writing program. Her writing is easy to read and impressive, but it exhibits a few rough edges, mostly due to slight punctuation issues and the need for light editing that she is able to do if she takes the time. Her portfolio consists largely of poetry and short prose pieces, and most have never been evaluated by a teacher.
Ideally, she will be accepted into a program that feeds into a good college with good programs in English and in marketing. The marketing requirement will satisfy her parents as they are eager to see her in a "practical" profession. I feel she can study both by taking one as a minor and the other as a major or by double majoring.
Her parents say that they won't spend more than $3,000, not including travel, but I believe they will pay more, possibly as much as $5,000, for a high-quality program. I would love to see her attend a three-week program.
It's already February 11, and so some deadlines have passed.
Which programs would you suggest she apply for at this point? I'm looking for wisdom from a variety of perspectives.
Affordable Yet Challenging Summer Writing Programs for High School Students Who are Talented Writers