I really want to join this program and it seems like such an exciting opportunity but I cannot for the life of me figure out what to write about for the 400 word essay prompt. I need to finish my application by tomorrow and any help would be so appreciated ![:) :)]()
I'm planning to apply to either neuroscience or psychology. I'm not sure whether or not I should talk about why I want to apply there, what my qualifications are, or what research I want to do. Please help![:( :(]()
I'm copying and pasting the prompt below:
Famous American novelist Ralph Ellison once said, "Education is all a matter of building bridges.”
What bridges have you built thus far with your education, and what kind of bridge might you be able to build through participating in the Pioneer Research Program?

I'm planning to apply to either neuroscience or psychology. I'm not sure whether or not I should talk about why I want to apply there, what my qualifications are, or what research I want to do. Please help

I'm copying and pasting the prompt below:
Famous American novelist Ralph Ellison once said, "Education is all a matter of building bridges.”
What bridges have you built thus far with your education, and what kind of bridge might you be able to build through participating in the Pioneer Research Program?