Hi guys!
From what i can see, at the moment there isn't a thread for COSMOS 2020 so I'm starting one.
Just some general questions I have
1. best campus (like scenery and just general niceness)
2. most and least competitive campus or clusters
3. other ppl who have gotten in stats or watever
i really want to do a bio cluster because I LOVE biology, but i heard those are REALLLY competitive
my stats
asian gorl (if that matters)
9th grade (which sucks because 9th graders don't really get in ;(
-4.0 GPA hopefully
- taking APWH and AP Calc BC this year
- took 5 APs last year (Calc BC, Bio, Macro/Microecon, Psych)
- 2 800's on SAT Subject tests (Bio M and Math 2)
- choir since grade 1 (but that probs don't really matter cuz its a STEM camp rip)
- science bowl since 6th grade, went to nats last year and got 6th out of 48 teams
- and thats basically it rip
( ^^^ not trying to flex bros. i don't want to be that one pretentious fool who has a huge ego Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.
but thats wat i sound like right now ik)
last year i applied but i didn't get in. probs cuz i realized cosmos was a thing like 2 weeks before the deadline but watever.
do you think i have a chance? i don't have that many sciency extracirriculars which sucks.
also which cluster/school should i apply.
(note - i realllllly want to go to COSMOS because freedom from parents and actualy hands on experience. also everyone says COSMOS is really fun and interesting)
From what i can see, at the moment there isn't a thread for COSMOS 2020 so I'm starting one.
Just some general questions I have
1. best campus (like scenery and just general niceness)
2. most and least competitive campus or clusters
3. other ppl who have gotten in stats or watever
i really want to do a bio cluster because I LOVE biology, but i heard those are REALLLY competitive
my stats
asian gorl (if that matters)
9th grade (which sucks because 9th graders don't really get in ;(
-4.0 GPA hopefully
- taking APWH and AP Calc BC this year
- took 5 APs last year (Calc BC, Bio, Macro/Microecon, Psych)
- 2 800's on SAT Subject tests (Bio M and Math 2)
- choir since grade 1 (but that probs don't really matter cuz its a STEM camp rip)
- science bowl since 6th grade, went to nats last year and got 6th out of 48 teams
- and thats basically it rip
( ^^^ not trying to flex bros. i don't want to be that one pretentious fool who has a huge ego Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.

last year i applied but i didn't get in. probs cuz i realized cosmos was a thing like 2 weeks before the deadline but watever.
do you think i have a chance? i don't have that many sciency extracirriculars which sucks.
also which cluster/school should i apply.
(note - i realllllly want to go to COSMOS because freedom from parents and actualy hands on experience. also everyone says COSMOS is really fun and interesting)