I'm looking for a summer program for an incoming 12th grader who is interested in mechanical engineering and robotics. He's a hands on kind of guy, so a program that is mainly built around sitting in classes wouldn't be of interest. He is in year 2 of a highly competitive high school robotics team, so is really well versed in machinery and tools.
Many programs I see lump 9th and 12th graders together, or are so vague or beginner that I think they might not be a good match. I'd like something that is more geared towards older high schoolers. We're in California so staying on this side of the country would be ideal.
Many programs I see lump 9th and 12th graders together, or are so vague or beginner that I think they might not be a good match. I'd like something that is more geared towards older high schoolers. We're in California so staying on this side of the country would be ideal.