I'm currently applying to MIT PRIMES USA (the application is due in couple days...good luck to anyone else who's applying!) I guess I'm just wondering how selective it is/how high the acceptance rate is (and how likely it is for me to get in). Is it comparable to RSI (~1% acceptance rate) or more to other selective programs such as the Simons summer research program (~12%)?
What factors do they weigh most in admissions (pset, rec letters, background, competition performance, diversity)? How much background are they expecting (e.g. calculus, linear algebra, abstract algebra, coding ability)? How many problems solved for the p-set would be expected (it says >50-60% should consider applying, but I assume most people accepted would be higher than that)? This year is out of 13 (7+6). How many in the general/advanced section and what would the split be for an average participant?
What factors do they weigh most in admissions (pset, rec letters, background, competition performance, diversity)? How much background are they expecting (e.g. calculus, linear algebra, abstract algebra, coding ability)? How many problems solved for the p-set would be expected (it says >50-60% should consider applying, but I assume most people accepted would be higher than that)? This year is out of 13 (7+6). How many in the general/advanced section and what would the split be for an average participant?