Today I just got a massive envelope in my mail and when I opened it, was blinded by the light of a shimmering and beautiful emblem. On this particular letter, I was told,
"Dear William: Congratulations! Because of your outstanding grades, leadership potential, and desire to contribute to the filed of medicine as a physician or medical scientist [...], we have selected you for recognition as a Delegate representing <school name> and the State of Florida at the Congress of Future Medical Leaders to be held June 24 to June 26, 2020, in Boston, Massachusetts."
The letter is paired with two more letters. The second letter lists that I will encounter winners of the Nobel Prize, award-winning young inventors and scientists, prominent med school deans, leaders in medicine, and "medical futurists"; along with listing mentors of 2019; and after attending all three days of the Congress, I will be presented with an award of excellence. On the last letter, it lists that my "attendance at the Congress will enrich your academic profile [...]. It may also be an important part of your showcase of extracurricular experience and achievements [...].", followed by two massive signatures and their corresponding titles: Mario Capecchi, Ph.D. and Axely Congress, Ph.D. The letters boast about the aforementioned multiple times throughout the entire read.
Also enclosed in the envelope was a "Certificate of Selection for Award" saying that I had been selected for the previously mentioned award of excellence. There was also an "Enrollment Form", on which I found out I need to pay roughly $1,600 for this event as a whole -- and there was an entire two-paged paper along with it, about their very strict Terms and Conditions for the enrollment and a shady paragraph or so about acquiring a refund.
I have read mixed reviews about these events -- some calling them scams and others saying they were absolutely amazing experiences. However, everything said was in reference to other programs with different names and in different locations. It would be amazing if anyone could give me advice on what I could or should do, or any information on these people and this program. It sounds somewhat shady and like a cash-grab, but at the same time, I feel it could certainly offer benefits. So if anyone has any information on The Congress of Future Medical Leaders and/or Mario Capecchi, Ph.D. and Axely Congress, Ph.D. and will share, that would be greatly appreciated! Sorry for the lengthy read, I just wanted to express everything in a clear and concise way.
"Dear William: Congratulations! Because of your outstanding grades, leadership potential, and desire to contribute to the filed of medicine as a physician or medical scientist [...], we have selected you for recognition as a Delegate representing <school name> and the State of Florida at the Congress of Future Medical Leaders to be held June 24 to June 26, 2020, in Boston, Massachusetts."
The letter is paired with two more letters. The second letter lists that I will encounter winners of the Nobel Prize, award-winning young inventors and scientists, prominent med school deans, leaders in medicine, and "medical futurists"; along with listing mentors of 2019; and after attending all three days of the Congress, I will be presented with an award of excellence. On the last letter, it lists that my "attendance at the Congress will enrich your academic profile [...]. It may also be an important part of your showcase of extracurricular experience and achievements [...].", followed by two massive signatures and their corresponding titles: Mario Capecchi, Ph.D. and Axely Congress, Ph.D. The letters boast about the aforementioned multiple times throughout the entire read.
Also enclosed in the envelope was a "Certificate of Selection for Award" saying that I had been selected for the previously mentioned award of excellence. There was also an "Enrollment Form", on which I found out I need to pay roughly $1,600 for this event as a whole -- and there was an entire two-paged paper along with it, about their very strict Terms and Conditions for the enrollment and a shady paragraph or so about acquiring a refund.
I have read mixed reviews about these events -- some calling them scams and others saying they were absolutely amazing experiences. However, everything said was in reference to other programs with different names and in different locations. It would be amazing if anyone could give me advice on what I could or should do, or any information on these people and this program. It sounds somewhat shady and like a cash-grab, but at the same time, I feel it could certainly offer benefits. So if anyone has any information on The Congress of Future Medical Leaders and/or Mario Capecchi, Ph.D. and Axely Congress, Ph.D. and will share, that would be greatly appreciated! Sorry for the lengthy read, I just wanted to express everything in a clear and concise way.