Prompt: Briefly list your three most significant interests and activities, including any employment or volunteer work experience. Note the time you devote to each activity, during which grades you participated and your main responsibilities. Describe why one of these interests or activities is so important to you, your reasons for becoming involved in it, and your related accomplishments.
My three most significant interests or activities are unquestionably track and field, singing and debating on any type of issues. I am on my school’s track team; I entered the team in October of my freshman year of high school. I remember one day I was walking to my first-period class when a lady (who is now my coach) asked me if I wanted to be on the track team. I was new to the school and didn’t know anybody so I was in shock that this lady randomly asked me that. Briskly I accepted to join and started my first day the following week. I attend track practice every day while also participating in a college-prep program that is associated with the place where I attend practice. On the team, I mainly focus on throwing; which is part of the field events. I am still on the team and plan to continue throughout my high school year. Since I was a child I’ve always been in my church’s choir. Singing always calms my nerves are soothed and they just feel better. To get into my school I had to audition by singing and this is my second year being apart of my school’s vocal group. In my choir, I am usually an alto and sometimes a tenor. In addition, I have been rewarded a certificate for being the best in music theory which is another vocal class. I have this class every day except for Thursdays at my school. Anytime we perform as a group or choir my excitement heightens. Debating is one of my favorite thing to do because one trait about me is I love proving people wrong. Knowing the facts about things is vital for me because I like to be right. In my household, my parents rely on their own understanding but doing my research and acquiring knowledge about a certain thing allows me to speak on that issue. In totality, track is my passion because it has opened many doors of opportunities for me like this for example.
My three most significant interests or activities are unquestionably track and field, singing and debating on any type of issues. I am on my school’s track team; I entered the team in October of my freshman year of high school. I remember one day I was walking to my first-period class when a lady (who is now my coach) asked me if I wanted to be on the track team. I was new to the school and didn’t know anybody so I was in shock that this lady randomly asked me that. Briskly I accepted to join and started my first day the following week. I attend track practice every day while also participating in a college-prep program that is associated with the place where I attend practice. On the team, I mainly focus on throwing; which is part of the field events. I am still on the team and plan to continue throughout my high school year. Since I was a child I’ve always been in my church’s choir. Singing always calms my nerves are soothed and they just feel better. To get into my school I had to audition by singing and this is my second year being apart of my school’s vocal group. In my choir, I am usually an alto and sometimes a tenor. In addition, I have been rewarded a certificate for being the best in music theory which is another vocal class. I have this class every day except for Thursdays at my school. Anytime we perform as a group or choir my excitement heightens. Debating is one of my favorite thing to do because one trait about me is I love proving people wrong. Knowing the facts about things is vital for me because I like to be right. In my household, my parents rely on their own understanding but doing my research and acquiring knowledge about a certain thing allows me to speak on that issue. In totality, track is my passion because it has opened many doors of opportunities for me like this for example.