Carleton Summer Academic Program Applicants?
Is anyone waiting to hear back from Carleton who applied for a 2017 Summer Academic Program?
View ArticleAnnpower acceptance notifications
Has anyone emailed Annpower and asked or heard when the acceptance notifications will be sent out?
View ArticleLiberal arts colleges for biochem major/focus
I am a current sophomore and beginning to look for North East liberal arts colleges that have good science programs particularly in biochem. I've found: -Colgate -Hamilton -Haverford -Franklin and...
View ArticleMSKCC HOPP Summer 2017
Hey y'all! So, I am planning to apply to this program. Anyone else planning to apply? And also, if you have been part of this program in the past, do you have any tips, thoughts, or anything else I...
View ArticleUSC Bovard Scholars
Has anyone heard of or been apart of the USC Bovard Scholars Program? It seems like a great opportunity but I can't find any information on how difficult is to be accepted, and I'd also love to hear...
View ArticleRPI PREFACE 2017
I haven't seen a thread for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's PREFACE Program for this year. Has anyone heard when applicants will be notified? I haven't heard from the school at all and I'm worried...
View ArticleCarnegie Mellon Pre-College 2017
I am attending Carnegie Mellon’s NHSGA Summer Pre-College this summer. I was wondering if someone can give me tips on making friends, things to do in Pittsburgh, staying safe, having fun, roommate...
View ArticleSo Which Ones Will ACTUALLY Help With College?
Hey everybody! I've read the thread about top summer programs, but I've also read many articles saying that colleges only care about certain summer programs, and that the Harvard/Brown/Stanford etc...
View ArticleLooking for recommended summer pre college art programs
Hello all, my child is a talented oil painter and she'd like to go further into painting than her high school and local private classes offer. We're looking at various programs -- RISDY, Chicago, MICA...
View ArticleAdvice: SCAD or LIU
So I was just accepted to LIU Summer Honors Institute (7/9-7/14 for World of Robotics) and SCAD Rising Star (6/18-7/21 and I'll likely take Intro to Business and Computer Aided Product Design). My...
View ArticleNIH Summer Internship Program *2016-2017*
I know it's a little late to just create this. But is anyone else applying this year? Has anyone gotten any offers yet? How many PI's have you emailed?
View ArticleEmory WInship Summer Scholars Program
Can anyone who has gotten into this program describe what it was like? DO we have to pay for everything and housing? How hard is it to get into it now? What can I do to improve my chances?
View ArticleGoogle CSSI 2017
Hey guys, the applications for this year's program opened on the 21st. I thought I would go ahead and start a thread to connect with applicants. Has anyone else here applied to CSSI and/or the...
View ArticleRISD Pre-College
Hi! I have read many reviews regarding RISD Pre-College and I have already been accepted. I saw that it is a lot of hard work and that will require many hours of work. However, I have not seen any...
View ArticleBU RISE 2017 (Boston University RISE summer program)
Hi! Is there anyone that is applying/applied for Boston University's RISE program? I applied for the psychology internship and am wondering if others are also interested in the program. Also, if anyone...
View ArticleSummer programs, what would you do?
I have already been accepted to [a program], and entrepreneurial program. I have plans to focus on CS and design several applications and market them accordingly. But I recently got admitted into CMU...
View ArticleSummer Science Program 2017
"Each summer since 1959, highly gifted and motivated high school students have come to the Summer Science Program to immerse themselves in hands-on, experimental science, and to live and work with...
View ArticleApplying to summer biomedical research program...lack of science ECs?
When filling out my resume for applications, I realized that it's almost completely void of science ECs. I also don't have any research experience. I guess I'm a bit worried in general because my...
View ArticleTASP or SIMR?
Hi all, I was recently accepted into both TASP and SIMR. It's hard to choose between the two. I was wondering if alumni from the programs could weigh in with their own experiences so I can develop a...
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