Does anyone know if it's mandatory? I need some advice. My school's orientation for freshman is overnight in July and it's mandatory to stay overnight even though I'm commuting. I get very anxious...
View ArticleGirls who code summer program work load
Hi, i'd like to understand the program load. I's like to aseas if it is possible to take on additional task, such as summer job, while attending the summer immerse program. In addition to the day...
View ArticleCommunity college vs. Online classes (khan academy)?
I'm a hs senior going into college next year, and I got into a extreme reach school. I have no idea how i got in, and I'm quite frankly very underprepared for the calibre of this school. Anyways, I've...
View ArticleNational Leadership Academy Denver Colorado
I am in 10th grade and am interested in boosting my CV this summer. There is a National Leadership Academy hosting its 17th year in Denver, Colorado with a 4day course. Can anyone give me an insight...
View ArticleLean gap reliability
Hi, I got in and am considering attending. I don't care about prestige in terms of college admissions, however I would like to start my own business (successful one) from the lean gap program. To...
View ArticleTASS 2017
I haven't seen any threads on this coming year's TASS program, and the application should be available very soon (I think). Anyway, who's applying? Does anyone have any information on acceptance rates,...
View ArticlePrinceton Journalism Program for High School Students
Hello! I was accepted to the first round of Princeton's summer journalism program! Is there any past accepted applicants who are willing to share some of the interview questions? I'm afraid that...
View ArticleRPI PREFACE 2017
I haven't seen a thread for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's PREFACE Program for this year. Has anyone heard when applicants will be notified? I haven't heard from the school at all and I'm worried...
View ArticleSummer Plans before Senior Year
I'm going into my senior year of high school and I have a month of summer where I have nothing planned. I've lined up a month long internship at the start of summer and a debate camp for the final two...
View ArticleBarnard Summer In The City 2017
Hey guys, I'm applying to Barnard's Summer In The City program this summer and was hoping to connect with other people who are applying or to hear from people who have done it in the past. I'm applying...
View ArticleYWI Kelley 2017
Have all the sessions received confirmations that they got in and how did you receive your acceptance? Also, if you didn't get into the program, did you get an email or letter notifying you?
View ArticleUSNA Summer Stem 2017
Has anyone heard yes's or no's? Just curious whether they are going out yet.
View ArticleSenate Page Program
When looking in to the Senate Page program, they information is sparse. If y'all could give information about how one becomes a Page, what you do as a page, and if being a Page is worth it. Also, what...
View ArticleSummer program decision -BFTF vs UPenn
My niece got into both the Ben Franklin Transatlantic Fellowship(BFTF) program and the UPenn business leaders program. Both are selective -BFTF is free while UPenn is $ 7,500. Which would be a better...
View ArticleSenate Page Program Classes
Regarding the Fall and Spring sessions of the page program, what classes are offered? Are they on par with the typical Junior schedule as to prepare you for reintegration into your school? For those...
View ArticleLooking for recommended summer pre college art programs
Hello all, my child is a talented oil painter and she'd like to go further into painting than her high school and local private classes offer. We're looking at various programs -- RISDY, Chicago, MICA...
View ArticleColumbia University High School Immersion Program
Hi! I applied to the Columbia University 3-week Summer Immersion Program for high school students for session II 2017. I was wondering if anyone else has applied as well and how long it took to get...
View ArticleSummer Ventures 2017?
I wanted to know is anyone applying for the Summer Ventures program in North Carolina? It would be cool to start getting to know each other. Also, it would be nice to know what you would need for your...
View ArticleJuniper Institute for Young Writers?
Hi! I just recently was accepted into the Juniper Institute for Young Writers this summer. Is anybody else going? And if anyone has already gone, do they have any tips or details on how the experience...
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