Hi, I'm currently looking at summer business/entrepreneurhsip programs and this popped up. Has anyone on CC attended it? If so, was it worth the price because it's very expensive? What's the typical...
View ArticleDoes not having taken the Math II SAT Subject test put me at a disadvantage...
I am a junior in high school taking precalculus right now, but I had always planned to take the math II test after the school year ended. Does this put me at a disadvantage for competitive summer...
View ArticleYYGS 2018 - Essay and more!
Hello everyone, I am applying for YYGS 2018, maybe PLE or IAS. Could anyone with past experience describe what the two weeks was really like? Plus, is there any tips for essays and making your...
View ArticleSophomore Summer Camp 2018
Hello~ I'm currently a sophomore and would like to attend a summer camp related to medicine/biology/chemistry this summer, when I will be a rising junior. My PSAT score was 1490 and I have a perfect...
View ArticleMITES / MOSTEC -- Teacher Recommendations question
So I am applying for the MIT OEOP summer program, and have a quick question regarding my teacher recommendations. Unfortunately, I am not very close with my math or science teacher, and I am worried...
View ArticleNIH Summer Internship Program 2018
Hi guys! I am applying for the NIH's SIP this year, and I thought that others applying might come find this thread so we can talk about it. I'm most worried about having to email PI's. I feel like I'm...
View ArticleLEAD at UPenn?
Hi everyone! I just have a quick question regarding LEAD at UPenn- on the website it says only juniors can apply. If I'm a rising junior, could I still apply or would I have to wait until next year?...
View ArticleWest Point SLE - Good on an application?
So I attended the Summer Leadership Experience at West Point this summer, and while I had a fantastic time, I ultimately decided that the Army life is not for me. However, I was wondering if me...
View ArticleYale Young Global Scholars Program?
I was wondering if this program would be worth applying to? is it presitigous and does it help boost your college resume? unfortunately it's quite pricey and I was wondering if it'd be worth it? I'm...
View ArticleGarcia/Simons Research Program Stats?
Hey everyone!!! I was just wondering if anyone who had previously attended or been accepted into the Garcia or Simons Research Program could post their stats below? Thank you very much!!
View ArticleMiddle School Summer Programs
I have a middle schooler and I am looking for summer programs in New York, or the Tri-State area. Boarding is a possibility. Could someone assist me with these types of opportunities? There is an...
View ArticleShould I submit my scores to RSI?
So this month, I got my scores for my PSAT and ACT and none of them fits the RSI standards. PSAT - English/reading: 670, Math: 760 ACT - English: 30, Math: 35, Reading: 29, Science 32 RSI recommends at...
View ArticleStanford Summer Humanities Institute 2017
Couldn't find a current post on this so here it is. Admission decisions were released, does anyone know how competitive this is this year?
View ArticleSimons Summer Research Program 2018
Hey guys!!!! I haven't seen a thread for Simons 2018 so I decided to make one. i am an ALUM from the ever-so-illustrious Simons Class of 2017 so don't hesitate if y'all have questions about the...
View ArticleMITES 2018
Hey everyone! I've seen other threads like this for every year and it would be great if former students can collaborate with info and tips.
View ArticleTelluride Association Summer Program (TASP) 2018
I know the 2017 program hasn't ended yet, but yeah let's talk about next year's TASP.
View ArticleSummer Science Program 2018
"Each summer since 1959, highly gifted and motivated high school students have come to the Summer Science Program to immerse themselves in hands-on, experimental science, and to live and work with...
View ArticleSummer Programs That Look Good on College Applications
-RSI -TASP List more if you can, I'd like to check out the websites for next year.
View ArticleGoogle CSS1 2018
Hey guys, When does the application for CSSI 2018 start? I started this thread to connect with other applicants. Is anyone else here planning to apply to CSSI ?
View ArticleHigh School MATH summer camp preparation?
I'm interested in applying to a math summer camp this summer and notice that some of the applications require you to go through a set of math problems and write down your work while solving. I am a...
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