How to get research opportunities?
Hi everyone. So I am reading through all these threads and everyone seems to be having research experience and opportunities, I am wondering how everyone was able to do this. Are you just emailing...
View ArticleMITES 2018
Hey everyone! I've seen other threads like this for every year and it would be great if former students can collaborate with info and tips.
View ArticleLEDA Class of 2019
Hi guys! Is anyone applying to LEDA? I saw something like this with class of 2018 and I was hoping we could be a support group for one another. I know I sure need it lol
View ArticleIs NSLC Worth It?
I recently received mail from NSLC saying I'm selected for the summer program. After reading the letter and a few testimonials the program seems legit unlike the NSHSS program. There is also...
View ArticleBank of America Student Leaders 2018
Hey guys, so I'm planning on applying for this but I heard it's nearly impossible to get into with an acceptance rate harder than Harvard. I don't know if I have enough leadership experience and...
View ArticleSummer Creative Writing Programs 2018
Hey everyone, I am a current sophomore in high school and I have been looking into residential creative writing programs for high school kids for a couple of months now. There's really not too much...
View ArticleNew Jersey Scholars Program 2018
Hey guys I was wondering if anyone from the past could shine some light on what kind of extracurriculars are needed to get into the semifinals for this program. Also, does GPA weigh more than the...
View ArticleSEAP accepted
Create this thread for people who was accepted by SEAP 2018, so we can start discuss/talk. My kid got accepted email today. So happy:-).
View ArticleSummer Programs or Internship Programs (Free) for Humanities/Poli Sci?
I already am applying to TASP and am trying to get an internship with a Senator, but are there any others? A lot of them are paid courses at colleges, and I would rather avoid paying for anything.
View ArticleRockefeller SSRP essay question
Hello, could someone who was accepted for this program previously or who applied tell me how long their first essay was? (this is the one with the essay question where you get to choose the prompt you...
View ArticleUS Senate Page Program 2018/Government internships
Hey I'm a sophomore who recently learned about the US Senate Page Program and I desperately want to attend. I am extremely interested in majoring in political science in college and feel like this is...
View ArticleSimons Summer Research Program 2018
Hey guys!!!! I haven't seen a thread for Simons 2018 so I decided to make one. i am an ALUM from the ever-so-illustrious Simons Class of 2017 so don't hesitate if y'all have questions about the...
View ArticleSummer Science Program 2017
"Each summer since 1959, highly gifted and motivated high school students have come to the Summer Science Program to immerse themselves in hands-on, experimental science, and to live and work with...
View ArticleSummer Discovery program at UCLA or UCLA Business
Do any of you have any experience with this program? The write-up looks great, but it's certainly pricey. Is the program intensive enough to justify the cost? We're looking at a 2 or 3 week...
View ArticleSummer Programs That Look Good on College Applications
-RSI -TASP List more if you can, I'd like to check out the websites for next year.
View ArticleTASS 2018
TASS applications are supposed to open up in October and i really want to apply! I know it's kind of early but the application is supposed pretty long so I'd love any advice from TASS alumni. And does...
View ArticleWilliam and Mary American history program?
Hi! I'm a high school junior who is extremely passionate about US history, and it's my intended major. I did a program at Brown University last summer, but I am interested in William and Mary as well I...
View ArticleSummer Programs for an incoming HS Freshman?
What are some nice summer programs for incoming HS freshmen (current 8th graders)? A focus in STEM would be great. If anyone has attended any, please share your experiences. Thanks!
View ArticleCOSMOS 2017
everyone who has gone to cosmos tell me that its great, both academically and socially, and i really really want to get in this year! it'll be my first time writing a summer application so could...
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