Summer programs for summer 2018
Hello. I’m an international student in grade 11 and I love science. For this summer I’d like to apply to a science summer program in the US. I like SSP but do you think I have any chance of being...
View ArticleGovernor's School and PSAT
Hey guys, I was one of many people in our school asked to apply to a Gov School. After reading all the applications, our school will then pick the two best applicants per each school (Science and...
View ArticleSummer Programs Recommendation letter?
Hi, I'm applying to various summer programs this year (NIH, Rockefeller, etc) and I just wanted to know, are we allowed to submit a general recommendation letter from my recommenders to all the...
View ArticleNSLI-Y 2018 - 2019
It's about time for a new thread, right? Applications opened up approx. 2 days ago for 2018-2019. How are you coming along with your applications, what language do you want to study, & where? For...
View ArticleSummer Job vs. Summer Program
Hey!! I'm always stalking old forums so I decided to finally just make an account to start my own... I'm currently a junior in high school trying to weigh my options for what to do over the summer. For...
View ArticleSummer after freshman year?
After conducting a search I have not been able to find programs in my area that work with my S21. He has yet to take the PSAT so it is my understanding the most prestigious programs will be unavailable...
View ArticleSummer program of US university???
I am looking for summer program of US university. Can someone recommend great summer program in US?
View ArticleService Academy Summer Seminars
Hello, I am applying to USMA’s, USNA’s, and USAFA’s summer seminars. Should I change my essay portions(why i wish to attend/character/what to expect) of my application for each or can I use the same...
View ArticleCamp CHLA 2018
Hi everyone, On Saturday I was successful in applying for Camp CHLA. I inputted my teacher's information, but she informed me that she never received an email from them in order to write my letter of...
View ArticleNational Fine Arts Festival (NFAF)
Just wondering if anyone has heard of or done National Fine Arts Festival (NFAF) before? Is it a legit contest worth entering? Any insights will be appreciated!
View ArticleTelluride Association Summer Program (TASP) 2018
I know the 2017 program hasn't ended yet, but yeah let's talk about next year's TASP.
View ArticleSummer Programs for an incoming HS Freshman?
What are some nice summer programs for incoming HS freshmen (current 8th graders)? A focus in STEM would be great. If anyone has attended any, please share your experiences. Thanks!
View ArticleUPenn Architecture summer camp for high schoolers
Has anyone attended this camp before? What was your experience there if so? I am currently a sophomore in high school. Thanks!
View ArticleSummer Programs for Sophomores (Rising Junior)
Hi. I'm a sophomore who is going to graduate in 2020. I am interested in computer science and mostly STEM/science fields. I want to look for summer programs, but a lot of them are for juniors only. I...
View ArticleSummer Program for Application
If I attend a school’s summer program that I am applying to, will it look good on my college application
View ArticleSummer Programs Assistance for 2018 for a Rising Junior
Hello guys, I am a current rising junior looking for summer programs to apply to for the 2018 summer. I would like to know the more prestigious ones, the ones that kind of "hook" you at certain places....
View ArticleMITES 2018
Hey everyone! I've seen other threads like this for every year and it would be great if former students can collaborate with info and tips.
View ArticleNIH Summer Internship Program 2018
Hi guys! I am applying for the NIH's SIP this year, and I thought that others applying might come find this thread so we can talk about it. I'm most worried about having to email PI's. I feel like I'm...
View ArticleMIT Launch 2018
Starting a MIT Launch thread for y'all next year. Launch '17 alum here. Hmu if you have any questions!
View ArticleLBW Wharton 2018
hey guys! I didn't find a thread discussing LBW apps for this year, so I decided to start one. who's applying? how's your application (essays!!) coming along? as for me, I've read the previous...
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