Middlebury Summer Language Academy - High School
I was set to sign my daughter up for the Middlebury Interactive Summer Academy for Spanish, when I found discussion threads on this site from 2013-2015 with some devastating reviews. Some positive, but...
View ArticleBoston Leadership Summer Research Program
Has anyone gone to this summer program? How was your experience with three week biomedical research camp is?
View ArticleWells Fargo 2018 Sophomore Leaders Conference
Anyone in the middle of the application process? What did you think of the interview and when do you think we'll find out the result? Also, feel free the share any new information you learned about the...
View ArticleMSKCC HOPP Summer 2017
Hey y'all! So, I am planning to apply to this program. Anyone else planning to apply? And also, if you have been part of this program in the past, do you have any tips, thoughts, or anything else I...
View ArticleNational Youth Orchestra of the United States (NYO-USA) 2018
Hey all, thought I'd make a discussion for this - anyone else apply to NYO this year?
View Article2018 TN Governor's School of Sciences and Engineering
For anyone that has been accepted into this school, could anyone share his/her essays? I've been looking for example essays and could not find any. I would really appreciate it if someone did post! :D
View ArticleSummer Science Program 2018
"Each summer since 1959, highly gifted and motivated high school students have come to the Summer Science Program to immerse themselves in hands-on, experimental science, and to live and work with...
View ArticleDC Internship with different party
I have been offered an internship with a senator who is a member of a political party opposite from my own. This opportunity also comes with a generous stipend to cover my living expenses and travel...
View ArticleNIH Summer Internship Program Housing Thread 2018
Hi All, I've accepted an offer from the NIH to intern over the summer, and I know a bunch of other students will be doing the program too. Ideally, I'd like a roommate so the summer won't be lonely af,...
View ArticleYYGS 2018 - Essay and more!
Hello everyone, I am applying for YYGS 2018, maybe PLE or IAS. Could anyone with past experience describe what the two weeks was really like? Plus, is there any tips for essays and making your...
View ArticleMITES 2018
Hey everyone! I've seen other threads like this for every year and it would be great if former students can collaborate with info and tips.
View ArticleBU RISE Internship 2018
Hi all, Junior here. I applied to RSI and I'm planning on applying to the BU Rise program as well. Seems like every year or two someone gets a publication (internship) and there are about 3-5 Siemens...
View ArticleDoing This Summer Program = Stanford
Hi everyone, So by now you've probably heard of USABO, USNCO, USAMO, USAPHO, etc. Well did you know that there exists such an olympiad for the Earth Sciences? If you're one of the many people who are...
View ArticleYouth Ambassador
I just applied to this program and I wanted to know what’s it’s like from some alumni. How does the application process work? Usually when do they release the finalists names?
View ArticleYYGS 2018 - Application and decision thread
Hey guys, I last created a thread of YYGS about how to apply. Now that people, if interested, have probably applied already, I wanna make a thread on sharing the highlights of your application and in...
View ArticleNSLI-Y 2018 - 2019
It's about time for a new thread, right? Applications opened up approx. 2 days ago for 2018-2019. How are you coming along with your applications, what language do you want to study, & where? For...
View ArticleAwesomemath or Upenn Summer Mathematics Academy?
Hi I'm a high school student. I just got the offers from these two summer programs. They are both math programs and I wonder which one should I accept so it would be more beneficial for my college...
View ArticleUSNA Summer STEM
Hi all Seeing that they have rolling admissions, has anyone heard yet for USNA Summer STEM? I know my son heard last year in April but he applied later. He really enjoyed it last year as a rising...
View ArticleLooking for summer programs at Harvard
I am currently a sophomore in high school and I was hoping for recommendations for a summer programs. I want to do a short program 1-2 weeks and I'm interested in politics. I really want to go to...
View ArticleGarcia Summer Research 2018
Hi! I didn't see a thread for Garcia 2018 so I decided to make one. I attended Garcia in the summer of 2017, so please feel free to ask any questions about the application, program, or anything else! :)
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