Pre-College Summer programs Musical Theatre- Has anybody gotten decisions...
My daughter applied to Penn State pre-college musical theatre summer programs and decisions are due this week... Has anybody heard back from them? How difficult is it to get in? She is a freshman. (May...
View ArticleTASS 2018
TASS applications are supposed to open up in October and i really want to apply! I know it's kind of early but the application is supposed pretty long so I'd love any advice from TASS alumni. And does...
View ArticleGeorgetown - 3 week Medical Immersion program for high school kids
Has anyone taken this program for the summer? It does not look that hard to get in; even though the program is full for 2018. The web says "academic programming between 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. during...
View ArticleUCSC SIP 2018
Hey guys, haven't seen a thread for SIP this year yet....anyone else thinking of applying? Also does anyone know the acceptance rate/other stats? thanks!
View ArticleCOSMOS 2018
Hi, I'm looking to do COSMOS in 2018, application opens on 1/4/18. I've never done this sort of application, so should I gather my rec letter and transcript before school ends this Friday, or wait...
View ArticleRSI 2018
This may seem a little early, but it may be helpful to discuss what we're doing to get ahead of the curve.
View ArticleVanderbilt Summer Academy
Has anyone else applied for VSA Session III 2018, has a child who applied, attended in the past, or knows someone who attended in the past? About me: I applied during the "priority window" on February...
View ArticleTN Governor's School for International Studies 2018
Has anyone heard anything from the program? Did you get accepted, alternate, or denied?
View Article2018 TN Governor's School of Sciences and Engineering
For anyone that has been accepted into this school, could anyone share his/her essays? I've been looking for example essays and could not find any. I would really appreciate it if someone did post! :D
View ArticleUPMC Summer Academy 2018
Hi all! I’ve applied to the UPMC summer academy recently. Does anyone know what the acceptance rate is? Also what is the program like for anyone who’s done it before?
View ArticleNIH Summer Internship Program 2018
Hi guys! I am applying for the NIH's SIP this year, and I thought that others applying might come find this thread so we can talk about it. I'm most worried about having to email PI's. I feel like I'm...
View ArticleBU RISE Internship 2018
Hi all, Junior here. I applied to RSI and I'm planning on applying to the BU Rise program as well. Seems like every year or two someone gets a publication (internship) and there are about 3-5 Siemens...
View ArticleUCSB RMP (Research Mentorship Program)
I’ve written about this program before. You can use the search button to find old threads. Thirteen alumni from the program are freshman at Stanford this year. This doesn’t mean that you’ll get...
View ArticleTemple of Understanding UN Internship 2018
Anyone apply? I heard about the program last week and applications are due this Wednesday. Also, are there any alumni willing to share their experience?
View ArticleMIT Launch 2018
Starting a MIT Launch thread for y'all next year. Launch '17 alum here. Hmu if you have any questions!
View ArticleCarnegie Mellon AP/EV vs. Artificial Intelligence
hey, i am applying to Carnegie Mellon's summer program for high school students( i'm a rising senior). I'm as interested in the AP/EV program as i am in the artificial intelligence program. since I...
View ArticleNSLI-Y 2018 - 2019
It's about time for a new thread, right? Applications opened up approx. 2 days ago for 2018-2019. How are you coming along with your applications, what language do you want to study, & where? For...
View ArticleSummer programs
My son was accepted into Penn State summer intensive and Triple Arts at Western Carolina. Does anyone have info on which program is better, or experience in either. They both seem conservatory style,...
View Article√mathroots 2018
I was just looking around for some info on the √mathroots program at MIT over the summer and realized nobody had posted anything about it for this year. What I've found so far: -Only 20 people were...
View ArticleStanford Humanities Summer Institute 2018
Anyone here going to be applying to the SHSI this summer? If so, I hope this can be a place for us to discuss and interact during the application process!
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