National Youth Science Camp 2018
I wanted to make a thread for those applying to the National Youth Science Camp this year so that people could ask/ answer questions and hopefully get feedback from alumni!
View ArticleSummer REU 2018 Has anyone heard from any?
Has anyone heard back from any Summer REU programs? Anyone heard from University of Delaware's Marine Science REU?
View ArticleNIH Summer Internship Program Housing Thread 2018
Hi All, I've accepted an offer from the NIH to intern over the summer, and I know a bunch of other students will be doing the program too. Ideally, I'd like a roommate so the summer won't be lonely af,...
View ArticleNIH Summer Internship Program 2018
Hi guys! I am applying for the NIH's SIP this year, and I thought that others applying might come find this thread so we can talk about it. I'm most worried about having to email PI's. I feel like I'm...
View ArticleM&TSI 2018!
Hi everyone! I couldn't find a thread for M&TSI 2018 yet, so I decided to make one! How do you all think you did on your applications?
View ArticleSummer plan advice?
I'm going to be a junior September of 2017. I'm US citizen studying at Shanghai High School International Division looking to apply to US universities. I wish to major in computer science. I'm taking...
View ArticleWhat to do about my summer plans
I have two potential opportunities lined up for this summer: two weeks of Kentucky Governor's School for the Arts or a month-long, paid, pseudo-internship at Yellowstone national park. I don't know if...
View ArticleUSC Bovard Scholars
Has anyone heard of or been apart of the USC Bovard Scholars Program? It seems like a great opportunity but I can't find any information on how difficult is to be accepted, and I'd also love to hear...
View ArticleLBW Wharton 2018
hey guys! I didn't find a thread discussing LBW apps for this year, so I decided to start one. who's applying? how's your application (essays!!) coming along? as for me, I've read the previous...
View ArticleHERlead Fellowship 2018
Love how this is an opportunity open to students from Canada as well. Unfortunately, was rejected last year, but am giving the application process another try. Anyone else in the same boat and/or...
View ArticleUC Davis Young Scholars 2018
Applying to the program, because it seems like a superb opp to do some independent research over the summer! Anyone else applying?
View ArticleMIT LaunchX 2018 RD Round
Hey guys, there seems to be an ED round for the summer program, but not a regular round, so I thought it might be good to start one.
View ArticleCOSMOS 2018
Hi, I'm looking to do COSMOS in 2018, application opens on 1/4/18. I've never done this sort of application, so should I gather my rec letter and transcript before school ends this Friday, or wait...
View ArticleSummer REU 2018 Has anyone heard from any?
Has anyone heard back from any Summer REU programs? Anyone heard from University of Delaware's Marine Science REU?
View ArticleTemple of Understanding- United Nation Internship 2018
Has anyone attended the UN internship, called Temple of Understanding(TOU)? It is a program for high school students. I want to apply for 2018 but is it an actual UN internship. And is it worth the...
View ArticleCarleton Summer Academic Programs 2018
There needs to be an annual thread for this lol. Has anyone applied for the 3-week program and/or received decisions? According to their website decision letters are going out about one month after the...
View ArticleI need Extracurriculars
I am a high school senior. I don't have any extra curriculars related to my intended major. Will doing some online courses from Saylor Academy ( help boost my extra curriculars and...
View ArticleWill the admissions office read your precollege letter of interest as well?
I am a junior and I have been accepted into a Pre-college program offered by a college (UC). I also want to apply to this college in my senior year. Will they look at my letter of interest that got me...
View ArticleMoved: Will the admissions office read your precollege letter of interest as...
This discussion has been moved.
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