YYGS 2018 - Application and decision thread
Hey guys, I last created a thread of YYGS about how to apply. Now that people, if interested, have probably applied already, I wanna make a thread on sharing the highlights of your application and in...
View ArticleYYGS 2018 - Essay and more!
Hello everyone, I am applying for YYGS 2018, maybe PLE or IAS. Could anyone with past experience describe what the two weeks was really like? Plus, is there any tips for essays and making your...
View ArticleBank of America Student Leaders 2018
Hey guys, so I'm planning on applying for this but I heard it's nearly impossible to get into with an acceptance rate harder than Harvard. I don't know if I have enough leadership experience and...
View ArticlePre-College/High School Summer Programs with Open Enrollment (i.e., not...
I've been researching residential Pre-College/High School Summer Programs with Open Enrollment (i.e., not very selective) within the VA, MD, DE and surrounding states (anything within a 3-4 hour...
View ArticleCarnegie Mellon Summer Academy for Math and Science (SAMS) and AP/EA 2018
Hi! I am a SAMS 2017 alumni. Feel free to ask any questions and chat amongst yourselves as you all get accepted.
View ArticleMemorial Sloan-Kettering HOPP Program - Summer 2018
Starting a discussion for high school students who applied to the Memorial Sloan Kettering HOPP summer program in NYC. Has anyone heard one was or another about admission?
View ArticleBUSTI Boston University Sumer Theatre Institute
I applied to this summer program about 2 weeks ago and I am expecting a response with in the next few weeks. I want to know how competitive this program is. How many people apply vs how many get in?
View ArticleNSLI-Y 2018 - 2019
It's about time for a new thread, right? Applications opened up approx. 2 days ago for 2018-2019. How are you coming along with your applications, what language do you want to study, & where? For...
View ArticleTexas State Nexus vs TPAP
My D got into both Texas State new SMT camp Nexus and TPAP. She went to TPAP last summer and lived it. Said it was life changing. Thought maybe we would try something new this summer but know very...
View ArticleAMA: LaunchX (MIT Launch) '17 alum
It's that time of year again... Summer program applications are open! MIT Launch '17 alum here. If you have any questions on application process / life at Launch / curriculum / company continuing, let...
View ArticleCOSMOS 2018
Hi, I'm looking to do COSMOS in 2018, application opens on 1/4/18. I've never done this sort of application, so should I gather my rec letter and transcript before school ends this Friday, or wait...
View Articleexperience with BAA and AMDA New York?
Does anyone have any recent experience or advice regarding any of these summer theater programs for high school age? Broadway Artists Alliance AMDA New York Broadway Dreams She is a rising junior,...
View ArticleUSNA Summer STEM
Hi all Seeing that they have rolling admissions, has anyone heard yet for USNA Summer STEM? I know my son heard last year in April but he applied later. He really enjoyed it last year as a rising...
View ArticleIs the BP AFS STEM Academy program good?
Apparently it's a new program starting from March of this year and it's all expenses paid. Deadline is this March 31st; no recs, just writing and stuff. I haven't seen much about it but the application...
View ArticleSmith SSEP
I wanted to make a thread for people who have either attended Smith's Summer Science and Engineering Program or applied. https://www.smith.edu/academics/precollege-programs/ssep
View ArticleTASP 2018
TASP 2018 applications are out! I wanted to create this thread to hear from some other hopeful TASPers and to discuss the application process! :) Has anyone started writing the essays yet? I've looked...
View ArticleLBW Wharton 2018
hey guys! I didn't find a thread discussing LBW apps for this year, so I decided to start one. who's applying? how's your application (essays!!) coming along? as for me, I've read the previous...
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