Memorial Sloan-Kettering HOPP Program - Summer 2018
Starting a discussion for high school students who applied to the Memorial Sloan Kettering HOPP summer program in NYC. Has anyone heard one was or another about admission?
View ArticleNotre Dame Summer Scholars 2018
Hi all! I applied to Notre Dame Summer Scholars 2018 and am frustrated because I have heard nothing back. I'm wondering if anyone know when acceptance letters/emails come out. Let me know if you apply...
View ArticleRensselaer Research Experience for High School Students
Does anyone have any experience with or know anything about this science research program? Was it worth $6000?
View ArticleUC Davis Young Scholars 2018
Applying to the program, because it seems like a superb opp to do some independent research over the summer! Anyone else applying?
View ArticleSummer Acting Program?
Hello! I'm a rising college freshman and I am looking for a 1-week (or less) summer acting program for beginning/intermediate actors. I would like for it to be in California, and I'd like for it to be...
View ArticleLoyola Chicago Summer Scholars?
Did anyone apply to or attend Loyola Chicago Summer Scholars? I really like the campus and the school itself and felt like it'd be fun to attend a summer program there. If anyone went, can you share...
View ArticleNSLI-Y 2018 - 2019
It's about time for a new thread, right? Applications opened up approx. 2 days ago for 2018-2019. How are you coming along with your applications, what language do you want to study, & where? For...
View ArticleNotre Dame Leadership Seminar 2018
Anybody applying to the Notre Dame Leadership Seminar for this summer?
View ArticleNew Jersey Scholars Program 2018
Hey guys I was wondering if anyone from the past could shine some light on what kind of extracurriculars are needed to get into the semifinals for this program. Also, does GPA weigh more than the...
View ArticleMITES 2018
Hey everyone! I've seen other threads like this for every year and it would be great if former students can collaborate with info and tips.
View ArticleGoogle CSS1 2018
Hey guys, When does the application for CSSI 2018 start? I started this thread to connect with other applicants. Is anyone else here planning to apply to CSSI ?
View ArticleTASS 2018
TASS applications are supposed to open up in October and i really want to apply! I know it's kind of early but the application is supposed pretty long so I'd love any advice from TASS alumni. And does...
View ArticleMicrosoft Summer Internship Application Process Questions
Does anyone know how the recommendation letters for the application work? Is there a process, or specific format we have to follow? Or do we just ask teachers and they send the application directly?
View ArticleSummer programs for Rising Sophomores
Am looking for some good summer programs for my son - currently a freshman - interested in computer science, digital media & filmmaking. He is a science+arts kid so needs a bit of both. (credit...
View ArticleTemple of Understanding UN Internship 2018
Anyone apply? I heard about the program last week and applications are due this Wednesday. Also, are there any alumni willing to share their experience?
View ArticleSummer REU 2018 Has anyone heard from any?
Has anyone heard back from any Summer REU programs? Anyone heard from University of Delaware's Marine Science REU?
View ArticleEngineering Summer Academy at Penn (ESAP) 2018- any acceptances?
Wondering if acceptances/results have started coming out for the Engineering summer academy at Penn (ESAP). Just wanted to start a thread to keep in the loop. My son applied after the priority deadline...
View ArticleNational High School Game Academy at Carnegie Mellon (CMU)
Has anyone attended this summer program - National High School Game Academy at Carnegie Mellon? Is it open to rising sophomores /juniors/ seniors? Is it an intensive program? Selective? College...
View ArticleNIH Summer Internship Program 2018
Hi guys! I am applying for the NIH's SIP this year, and I thought that others applying might come find this thread so we can talk about it. I'm most worried about having to email PI's. I feel like I'm...
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