Summer after sophomore year of high school
Hey! I just finished sophomore year and I don't have any big plans for the summer. I'm doing some STEM activities (robotics, Coursera's Machine Learning course, USACO prep, etc.) and other stuff I'm...
View ArticleCompetitive FREE Summer Activities
So I recently applied for a STEM-related internship and, while I'm sitting waiting to hear back, I'm dubious of my acceptance. I'm already doing summer school with my high school, taking a class at a...
View ArticleUSACO
Hey! I'm new to the USACO, but I really want to learn how to code (JAVA script is what I'm going for). I tried submitting a code in the form, but it said I needed to import that file? Do I need to...
View ArticleGRIPS 2019 (Stanford GeneCamp)
Has anyone who applied heard back from GRIPS yet? someone I know already got accepted and another person got an interview. I haven't gotten either, has anyone else not gotten anything/heard from them?
View ArticleNSLI-Y Summer 2019
Hello! This is an open discussion for anyone who is willing to share their experiences with the program, and for any questions to be asked and answered. I am a first-time applicant for Korea Summer and...
View ArticleSenate Page Program 2019
Hey guys I just was wondering if any of you have applied for the page program for the summer? Are any of you applying from California?
View ArticleSenate Page 2019
Hey All, Please let me know if you applied to and was accepted for the Senate Page Program. Also, what Senator sponsored you.
View ArticleLEAD SBI — LeHigh 2019
Hey! I’ve seen a lot of people wondering about the LEAD LeHigh experience and I thought I’d make a thread for those of us who got in, just cause I’m not really sure who is going and it would be nice to...
View ArticleBloomberg Business Concepts?
I have the opportunity to complete the bloomberg market concepts certification over the summer. I am a rising senior in high school looking to apply to top universities. Although the certification is...
View ArticleUSC Bovard Scholars
Has anyone heard of or been apart of the USC Bovard Scholars Program? It seems like a great opportunity but I can't find any information on how difficult is to be accepted, and I'd also love to hear...
View ArticleSTEM Programs for RISING Juniors
Hello! I am interested for a STEM summer camp/research/internship, particularly one for chemistry, next summer. However, many of the programs allow only rising seniors to apply. Only a few, like RSI...
View ArticleLEAD SBI Northwestern 2019
Hi everyone let's start the thread for the 2019 LEAD SBI- Northwestern! I just wanted to connect with all of the Northwestern admits on here before the program started! My insta is @kiratray_
View ArticleLaunchX or LEAD SBI?
Hey all, I was accepted into the LaunchX program at UMichigan and just found out that I also got into the LEAD Summer Business Institute (SBI) at Lehigh University. Does anyone have ideas on which one...
View ArticleRensselaer Research Experience for High School Students 2019
Has anyone had experience with this program? Is anyone applying?
View ArticlePrinceton Journalism Summer Program 2019
Did anyone apply to the Princeton Journalism Summer Program this year? I hope we get our results back soon!
View ArticleAdroit Journal Summer Mentorship Program 2019 Thread
Hi guys!! I'm new to this place -- came on here this morning to look for some application tips for the adroit journal's mentorship program and couldn't find anything for this year. Is anyone else...
View ArticleDoes anyone know how much free time you get at the NHSI program?
Hi guys! I am attending the Northwesern NHSI film program this summer. I am also a cross country runner and I was wondering whether there is free time in the program to go on runs. Do any past students...
View ArticleYES Abroad 2019-2020
Hey guys, I didn’t see any space for the 2019-2020 YES Abroad people... Did anyone else apply? How’d it go? And does anyone know how the rolling admissions go? Like are finalists called first?
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