Engineering Summer Academy at Penn - ESAP 2019
Hi! My son applied to the ESAP program by the priority deadline. I know the results are supposed to come out sometime next week. I just thought I'll get this thread started so people can share their...
View ArticleMSKCC HOPP 2019
Anyone else apply this year? Also anyone know when results will be coming out?
View ArticleBank of America Student Leaders Questions
The website said about 5 hours a week. Does anyone know what those times usually end up being (ex. 9AM-5PM)?
View ArticlePrinceton Journalism Summer Program 2019
Did anyone apply to the Princeton Journalism Summer Program this year? I hope we get our results back soon!
View ArticleThinking About Yale Summer Session Off-Campus? Think Again!!
You are an undergraduate student wanting to take courses over the summer. You want to learn from the best. You get accepted into Yale Summer Session. Hooray! You want to go, but you are crunched for...
View ArticleSenate Page Program 2019
Hey guys I just was wondering if any of you have applied for the page program for the summer? Are any of you applying from California?
View ArticleCOSMOS 2019
Hey Guys! I am currently a freshman interested in attending the math and science summer camp, COSMOS, in 2019. I thought there may be some people out there already eager for next year, who have...
View ArticleCarnegie Mellon Summer Academy for Math and Science (SAMS) and AP/EA 2019
the SAMS application for 2019 has 5 essays - is this more than last year?
View ArticleGoogle CSSI 2019
Hey, I haven't seen a thread on CC about Google's CSSI program for 2019. I finished my application last week, even though it's a very long shot. I wanted to know if anyone here is applying for it?
View ArticleStanford Summer Humanities Institute 2019
Early admission deadline is in four days. Who's applying?
View ArticleM&TSI vs. Boys Nation
This spring, I was accepted to M&TSI and decided to attend. A few days ago, I was elected governor of CT Boys State and invited to attend Boys Nation. M&TSI runs from July 7-27, while Boys...
View Articleno summer activities before junior year?
Is it bad to not have any summer programs/activities the summer before junior year? I applied to SAMS (at Carnegie Mellon) and only had time to scrap together an application for one local internship in...
View ArticleUSACO
Hey! I'm new to the USACO, but I really want to learn how to code (JAVA script is what I'm going for). I tried submitting a code in the form, but it said I needed to import that file? Do I need to...
View ArticleLBW 2019
Well guys, guess it's this time of the year again. LBW '18er here. After abandoning CC for a good few months I'm back to look through the UPenn ED thread and remembered a year ago when I was...
View ArticleLBW Wharton 2019
Someone should have created the discussion. Who is applying to LBW 2019? How are your applications going on? Any advice from past participants? Good luck everyone!
View ArticleYale Young Global Scholars (YYGS) 2019
Hi I haven’t seen a thread for 2019 yet (sorry if there is!) so I’m starting one. How is everyone getting on with their essays? And is it worth it to go up to the word limit or is less okay?
View ArticleSummer Science Program 2019
Hi there! I didn't see a thread for SSP this year so I decided it would be nice to make one since the application starts today. I'm not sure how much advice I personally can give, but feel free to ask...
View ArticleSummer Program Issues
This summer, I was admitted to a cancer research program at a university in NYC, but I wasn't able to attend because of familial complications and the fiscal cost. My parents weren't aware of the fact...
View ArticleWhat more can I add to my college app?
Hello everyone, SUMMER is approaching, and I want to use this opportunity to add to my application for college. I am an upcoming junior, but I have posted below everything I will have accomplished by...
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