Admissions for Yale Young Global Scholars
Hi everyone, can anyone who has previously attended the Yale summer program tell me what sort of test scores (PSAT) , extracurriculars, etc. they used in their application so I can gauge my chances??...
View ArticleHigh School Summer Med Program
I've been scorging the internet for summer medical internship or programs at colleges and hospitals but I am wondering if anyone has done a similar program and has a particular location to recommend or...
View ArticleNIH vs college lab during the summer
I was offered to work in a lab for 3 months at a nearby university during the summer but I was planning to apply to the NIH. I know that it's silly to be thinking about a program that I didn't get...
View ArticleNSLIY vs. USSYP?
I'm in love with the idea of both programs but I've decided to focus my energy on one since I still have college applications to do. Which program do makes a better impression on admissions counselors...
View ArticleMIT Launch Summer Program 2016
Hello! Now that the MIT Launch application has officially opened for next year, I'd like to get the ball rolling and start this thread for people to discuss the application, ask questions of...
View ArticleNYLF: Explore STEM by Envision scam or good summer program?
DD20 received a nomination letter. Her bio teacher's name is correct but the names of program alumni from her school are spelled incorrectly. I am leaning towards "scam".
View Articlewebsites or places to take Highschool courses outside of school plzz
Does anyone know any sites or places or organizations or whatever to take HS courses such as geometry and calculus?
View ArticleSummer Programs to apply for 9th grade student in programming, art, research,...
Summer Programs to apply for 9th grade student in programming, art, research, foreign languages? Seems most of good and well known programs in those area want 10th or 11th grade students. What do 9th...
View ArticleResearch and Internships.
I am a sophomore and I want to do some kind of internship either next school year or next summer. There are plenty of places around conducting research but I don't know how exactly to go about it....
View ArticleHigh School Freshman in Need of Advice
Greetings, I'm new on the forums. I am 14-years old (15 in December), from Puerto Rico and am currently in the 9th grade. I've been looking at programs and opportunities that will improve my academic...
View ArticleSummer Programs That Look Good on College Applications
-RSI -TASP List more if you can, I'd like to check out the websites for next year.
View ArticlePre College Camp like Real Deal (College) ???
Hello! I was worried whether the pre college camps were anything like college because I did not have a fond memory of it. I came a day late and by that time everyone already made friend groups :( is it...
View ArticleSEAP 2017
Hi all, Just wondering if anyone here will be applying to SEAP. I am a high school freshman and this will be my first time applying. If anyone has had experience with SEAP, it would be very much...
View ArticleHS Summer Courses
Anyone have any websites or summer programs to get HighSchool courses and credits in over the summer that transfer to your highschool? I really need this. I would also appreciate it if its affordable.
View ArticleHow prestigious is COSMOS?
Well, I've seen some threads here saying how not so great COSMOS is. But many COSMOS alum I personally know have gained acceptance into Ivies and other top colleges EA. Also, the COSMOS admin have told...
Hello! My name is Elizabeth and i'll soon be heading out to the Naval Academy Session 2. If anyone has advice or tips please share
View ArticleYale Young Global Scholar - Beijing Thoughts?
I'm thinking about applying to Yale Young Global Scholar - Beiing. The link to its information is Do you guys think it is worth it for someone from America to be...
View ArticleResearch Opportunities
Hello, I am a senior in high school. I didn't get the chance to do a research kind of internship this summer (even if I really wanted to). I am looking desperately for research opportunities of one...
View ArticleEngineering Summer Camp
I am a sophomore girl. I am interested in engineering. Does anyone have recommendation for the engineering camp? I greatly appreciate it.
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