TASP 2020
I know it's really early and TASP results for 2019 have just come out, but I'm really looking forward to applying to TASP next year! Has anyone else started thinking about it yet, or am I just really...
View ArticleSummer Science Program (SSP) 2020
Hi everyone, how do you guys think about the SSP, is it worth applying? How hard is it to get in? (Astrophysics) Also, I loved cosmology since I was a child, but have no awards (i was living in Sibiria...
View ArticleHigh School Diplomats 2020
I didn't see a thread for HSD 2020, so I decided to make one! I hope everyone's applications are going well, they're due in a little over a week!
View ArticleCOSMOS 2020 Thread
Hi guys! From what i can see, at the moment there isn't a thread for COSMOS 2020 so I'm starting one. Just some general questions I have 1. best campus (like scenery and just general niceness) 2. most...
View ArticleNSLI-Y 2020-21
Hey y'all. NSLI-Y applications opened today, so I thought I'd take the liberty of opening the annual forum. This will be my second time applying, as I was rejected as a semi-finalist last year. Best of...
View ArticleCarnegie Mellon Summer Academy for Math and Science (SAMS) and AP/EA 2019
the SAMS application for 2019 has 5 essays - is this more than last year?
View ArticleMITES 2019
The past couple of years having this discussion is pretty fun, let's start it again
View ArticleCTY summer camp Humanities and writing courses
I would like to send my younger son to CTY summer camp. My older one went one summer and I personally feel CTY is a good choice to kick off the sleepaway camp. I understand it's more about hanging out...
View ArticleSummer Programs for Computer Science (for sophomores)
Hi, I have been trying to find good summer programs for Computer Science that will actually teach me important skills. There are lots of them out there. Any noteworthy ones that I should look into? Thanks
View ArticleNotre Dame Leadership Seminar 2020
I saw that there was a thread for this every year so I decided to make one. How are everyone's applications going?
View ArticleBank of America Student Leaders 2020
Hiii I didn't see this anywhere so I just decided to make one. I know it's a little early
View ArticleLeadership In The Business World Wharton Summer Program 2020
Is anyone else applying to this program for the summer? Do any past applicants have any advice or insight on the program? Good luck to everyone!
View ArticleSummer programs (Astronomy, engineering, STEM, ecology)
Hello everybody! With how busy everything has been with finals, extracurriculars, and the holidays, I now have finally gotten a chance to slow down and plan ahead for this summer. I'm looking for...
View ArticleJackson Laboratory SSP 2020
2019 Summer Student here.... happy to answer any questions or give advice if needed.
View ArticleYES Abroad 2020-2021
I didn't see a thread started for this new year. Does anyone know if Morocco is open to people with no prior French skills this year?
View ArticleYale Summer Program in Astrophysics (YSPA) 2020 - Apply now!
Now accepting applications for YSPA 2020. https://yspa.yale.edu/ YSPA is a 2-week online + 4-week residential research and enrichment program for 32 rising high school seniors who are interested in...
View ArticleWhat to do this summer?
Hi, I am a current junior who is interested in English/Humanities as well as Foreign Relations. What opportunities for the summer would be the most beneficial for my college application and be the best...
View Articlepre-college summer progams: ideas for a shy rising senior?
We are looking for a pre-college program for a shy rising senior with an Asperger's type of profile. He has experience being away from home, but he would benefit from being part of a college-like...
View ArticleUSNA Summer Seminar vs. Summer STEM
What's the difference? Do they both have academics? Athletics?
View ArticleNew York Times Summer Academy
Sorry that this doesn't really involve college admissions but, has anyone done the New York Times Summer Academy? I'm very interested in doing it next summer and was looking for opinions on it or...
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