"Young Scholars" summer programs at universities
Many universities offer a "Young Scholars" program where high school students take college courses over the summer. For those of you that have gone, please share whether you thought the program was...
View ArticleFeedback about EPIC at San Luis Obispo
Trying to understand how useful/rigorous is the EPIC program for rising Juniors? Please comment if you have direct experience or have heard from others. Considering this for my DS, who is interested in...
View ArticleTASP 2020
I know it's really early and TASP results for 2019 have just come out, but I'm really looking forward to applying to TASP next year! Has anyone else started thinking about it yet, or am I just really...
View ArticleTASP essays
@ TASP alumni, I've been feeling some post-submission anxiety about my essays, could someone send me a link to one of theirs so I can see what sort of quality the admissions committee is looking for?
View ArticleLeadership In The Business World Wharton Summer Program 2020
Is anyone else applying to this program for the summer? Do any past applicants have any advice or insight on the program? Good luck to everyone!
View ArticleLaunchX Summer 2020
Hi guys! My name is Claire, and I'm an alum of the LaunchX summer program. I've been involved with LaunchX for a few years now, and if you guys have any questions about it I'd be happy to answer them.
View ArticleCOSMOS 2020 Thread
Hi guys! From what i can see, at the moment there isn't a thread for COSMOS 2020 so I'm starting one. Just some general questions I have 1. best campus (like scenery and just general niceness) 2. most...
View ArticleSummer Science Program (SSP) 2020
Hi everyone, how do you guys think about the SSP, is it worth applying? How hard is it to get in? (Astrophysics) Also, I loved cosmology since I was a child, but have no awards (i was living in Sibiria...
View ArticleSimons Summer Research Program 2020
Anyone apply this year? Didn't see a thread for this program.
View ArticleBerklee One Week Programs? Okay for 15 Year Old?
Hi all, We signed my son up for one week of Berklee College of Music's Songwriting Summer Camp and to have him stay at their dorms. Speaking later to a college counselor who specializes in art kids,...
View ArticleNC Governor's School 2020
Hi everyone! Is anyone else thinking (way too early) about whether they will get accepted to GS in 2020? I made it past the district level and an alum said I should be very proud! However, I fully...
View ArticleESAP summer Engineering / Computer Science at UPenn
Has anyone found this program educational and fun in the past?
View ArticleMIT's Creative Writing Program
If I'm thinking about applying to MIT for creative writing, should I still take the recommended amount of science and math classes listed by CollegeBoard (4)? I'm not thinking about going into science...
View ArticleSAMS at Carnegie Mellon 2019-2020 Discussion
Hi, I just wanted to create this as a discussion place for people applying to the SAMS program this year at Carnegie Mellon. I do have one question though. What are you guys writing for the description...
View ArticleFreshman in high school looking for Summer program-Biology subjected related
My D is in 9 grade, looking for summer program that will also approved by colleges and consider as good EC as well.
View ArticleYSPA 2019!
I don't think there is a forum yet for YSPA 2019. Any one else applying? This is legit the coolest summer program I have come across. Has anyone been to YSPA and if so, can you please share your...
View ArticleColumbia Summer Immersion Program
Recently I was accepted into the Columbia Immersion Program, I will be taking Intro into Business, Finance, and Economics. Columbia is my dream school but when I checked the prices after seeing my...
View ArticleStanford Summer Humanities Institute 2020
Hey! I know it's early, but I wanted to see if anyone else on here is interested in applying. I really want to do the course on Magical Realism since it's my favorite literary genre. I've never had to...
View ArticleForeign Language Programs?
I'm a current sophomore who's really interested in foreign languages (specifically Mandarin as that's what I'm taking in school). I already have plans for next summer, but are there any good foreign...
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