American University of Paris (AUP) Summer Program
Hi! I am interested in applying for AUP's summer program for the 2020 summer. I know they offer 6-week and 3-week courses in a variety of different areas of study. Has anyone done this program before,...
View ArticleYale Young Global Scholars 2020
Hey, I might be wrong but I haven't seen a thread for YYGS 2020 yet so I'm making one here. I've barely started the essays though... how are everyone's apps going?
View ArticleYYGS or LaunchX
Hey! I recently got accepted into Both the YYGS PLE 1 and the Launch X northwestern. I can only go to one program because of time contradiction. Which one should I go?Appreciate any advice!
View ArticleSIMR 2020
I haven't seen a discussion page for the SIMR 2020 application so I am going to start one. I have a few questions: How can non-locals get housing if they are under 18? What is the Sat/Psat requirements?
View ArticleSimons Summer Research Program 2019
It's that time of year again. Everyone applying for the 2019 Simons Summer Research Program at Stony Brook University can comment here!
View ArticleNotre Dame Leadership Seminar 2020
I saw that there was a thread for this every year so I decided to make one. How are everyone's applications going?
View ArticleSummer Programs That Look Good on College Applications
-RSI -TASP List more if you can, I'd like to check out the websites for next year.
View ArticleTASP essays
@ TASP alumni, I've been feeling some post-submission anxiety about my essays, could someone send me a link to one of theirs so I can see what sort of quality the admissions committee is looking for?
View ArticlePre college summer programs for high school students
Anyone have any experience with your high school student attending a pre college summer program for college credit? My son is a junior and looking at Stanford, Emory pre college summer programs? Anyone...
View ArticleHow to make your Summer Applications essays stand out?
I have applied to several programs in the past but only have gotten a handful. I really want to be apart of the Bank of America Student Leaders program but I don't know what will really help me stand...
View ArticleHelp for BU Rise Essay
Hi, I am applying to the BU Rise Practicum track and the first essay topic (300 words) is why do i want to study computational neurobiology. I would like to tie this in to my work with autistic kids...
View ArticleSummer Programs in the Bay Area that would help with College Admissions
Iām a high schooler in 10th grade right now. I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for good and worthwhile (also something that would help college apps)summer programs or opportunities in...
View ArticleClark Scholars 2020
I didn't see a thread for this year's application season, so I decided to make one myself! On a side note, is there any way to see whether someone has submitted their recommendation?
View ArticleFreshman in high school looking for Summer program-Biology subjected related
My D is in 9 grade, looking for summer program that will also approved by colleges and consider as good EC as well.
View ArticleRSI 2020
Hey, the RSI 2020 application is opening soon and I still didn't see a thread for the 2020 applicant group yet. So here it is! Chance me's, general comments, and helpful advice are all appreciated. May...
View ArticleUSC Bovard Scholars
Has anyone heard of or been apart of the USC Bovard Scholars Program? It seems like a great opportunity but I can't find any information on how difficult is to be accepted, and I'd also love to hear...
View ArticleSimons Summer Research Program 2020
Anyone apply this year? Didn't see a thread for this program.
View ArticleInternational student applying to RSI?
Hi, I am an international student interested in applying to the Research Science Institute and have noticed that the page states that international students have their own selection procedure and...
View ArticleIowa Young Writers Workshop 2020?
I didn't see a forum like this for IYWS, which is a little weird considering applications are currently open, so, here I am making one. Anyone else applying this year?
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