Girls Who Code 2020
I noticed that nobody had posted a discussion for Girls Who Code this year, so I'm making this one. The application for 2020 has not come out yet. Does anyone know what is usually on the application?
View ArticleClark Scholars 2020
I didn't see a thread for this year's application season, so I decided to make one myself! On a side note, is there any way to see whether someone has submitted their recommendation?
View ArticleLeadership In The Business World Wharton Summer Program 2020
Is anyone else applying to this program for the summer? Do any past applicants have any advice or insight on the program? Good luck to everyone!
View ArticleSIMR 2020
I haven't seen a discussion page for the SIMR 2020 application so I am going to start one. I have a few questions: How can non-locals get housing if they are under 18? What is the Sat/Psat requirements?
View ArticleLBW vs. SSHI
I was admitted to LBW, but I also applied to the Stanford Summer Humanities Institute (SSHI). These two camps conflict, so I was wondering which one would be better / more prestigious if I were aiming...
View ArticleSummer Programs for Incoming 9th Grader?
Hi all, I'm a current 8th grader looking for a summer program for 2020. I know that there are fewer programs for younger students, but any suggestions would be appreciated! Some pertinent information--...
View ArticleNotre Dame Leadership Seminar 2020
I saw that there was a thread for this every year so I decided to make one. How are everyone's applications going?
View ArticleSummer Programs at USC and UPenn
Hello! I recently got into both of the summer programs I applied to: USC Exploring Entrepreneurship and UPenn Wharton Essentials of Entrepreneurship. As you can tell, I'm interested in business,...
View ArticleWharton Essentials of Finance 2020
Is anyone going to this program this year or has anyone participated in it in the past?
View ArticleLEDA Scholars Application - 2019-2020
Hey! The applications for LEDA opened today! I've seen in past years that there's usually a application thread, so here you go, you're welcome . A bit of background: Leadership Enterprise for a Diverse...
View ArticleNew Jersey Scholars Program 2020
Hey guys! Almost done with my essays and I'm SUPER nervous. Thought I'd start off the discussion so we can help each other out along the way!
View ArticleSummer Science Program (SSP) 2020
Hi everyone, how do you guys think about the SSP, is it worth applying? How hard is it to get in? (Astrophysics) Also, I loved cosmology since I was a child, but have no awards (i was living in Sibiria...
View ArticlePROMYS 2020
I noticed that there weren't any discussions regarding PROMYS 2020 so I decided to make one. Can you guys please hold all discussions regarding admissions here? Also, feel free to comment what you have...
View ArticleLaunchX vs. LBW
Hello! Just got accepted into LaunchX at Cambridge and Wharton LBW. Does anyone know which program is better? I heard LaunchX is getting worse, but could just be rumors. Also, which campus do you think...
View ArticleThe Engineering Summer Academy at Penn (ESAP)
Hi, My son is a 9th grade high school student. I searched on line and saw U Penn has this program: The Engineering Summer Academy at Penn (ESAP). Has anyone's kids here ever go to this summer camp? how...
View ArticleProgram in Algorithmic and Combinatorial Thinking (PACT) acceptance rate
I am interested in pact program, how hard is it to get in? After registration, there is no confirmation. There also has no on line account to check status, is it normal? Appreciated if you can share...
View ArticleJackson Laboratory SSP 2020
2019 Summer Student here.... happy to answer any questions or give advice if needed.
View ArticleAthena Summer Innovation Institute at Barnard
Hello! Anyone attending this or has had attended this summer program? Any input would be great! Thanks
View ArticleEconomics for Leaders - FTE ?
Hello! My DD was offered a spot here for the summer at Cornell. Does anyone have feedback about this program? Thank you!
View ArticleRMP Interview
Hey guys! I have an interview to RMP UCSB soon. Do y'all have any advice or know what percentage of people who receive an interview get in? Thanks!
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