What are some STEM internships in the Midwestern States for upcoming Juniors?
Title says it all. I'm looking for STEM programs/internships for the summer in between my sophomore/junior year of high school. I'm interested specifically in EECS (electrical engineering and computer...
View ArticleShould I do research or take college classes, or can I wait a year?
Hi all, I am a high school sophomore who for a while was thinking about spending my summer at a college taking classes or doing research. While these seem like great opportunities, there is another one...
View ArticleSummer Science Program 2017
"Each summer since 1959, highly gifted and motivated high school students have come to the Summer Science Program to immerse themselves in hands-on, experimental science, and to live and work with...
View ArticleAre these good SAT scores for selective summer programs?
I took the SAT in October for the first time, and did not do much prep, so my score is relatively low. T: 1330 M: 670 R & W: 660 I am planning to retake in either December or January, but will...
View ArticleCMU Summer Programs for Diversity
Does anyone know of a general acceptance rate for this program?
View ArticleSummer Seminar (USAFA/ USNA/ USMA)
Hi! Summer seminar applications open this week, but I will not have my current PSAT or ACT scores until the end of December. When I took them my sophomore year, I received a 27 on the ACT and on the 8...
View ArticleUPenn Summer Mathematics Academy
Has anyone taken the Penn Summer Mathematics Academy? How was it / How competitive are the admissions / Any reflections on the program?
View ArticleIs this a good score for summer programs?
reposting in this forum because of more traffic I took the SAT in October for the first time, and did not do much prep, so my score is relatively low. T: 1330 M: 670 R & W: 660 I am planning to...
View ArticleTASS 2017
I haven't seen any threads on this coming year's TASS program, and the application should be available very soon (I think). Anyway, who's applying? Does anyone have any information on acceptance rates,...
View ArticleID Tech Camps
I was wondering if anyone has had a child attend on of these camps. Want dear child to learn Python and/or Java in a supportive environment with hand holding if required. Any reviews, tips, etc Age of...
View ArticleSummer Camps
Hi all, I'm currently a junior in high school and want to go to a summer camp next summer related to engineering. I've been considering COSMOS and USC's summer programs (I'm in California), but they're...
Hi, I'm looking to take an Organic Chemistry class to fulfill my Biology major requirement. The reason that I'm taking it over the summer is because I struggled so much with the class I took at my...
View ArticlePenn Medical School Programs for High School Students
Hey guys, I applied for this program at UPenn. Has anyone been to this program? Is it worth going? It would be great if I can get some feedback from previous students. This is the link to the program:...
View ArticleMoved: Where did you take Organic Chemistry? Science Majors, please help!
This discussion has been moved.
View ArticleMITES 2017
Hey everyone! I've seen other threads like this for every year and then realized that one for this year's MITES hadn't been opened. This could be moral support for one another.
View ArticleMIT MITES @2015
Hello guys, I just recently made a College Confidential Account after reading some cool threads. I am interested, specifically, in starting a thread about the MIT's Minority Introduction To Engineering...
View ArticleSEAP 2017
Hi all, Just wondering if anyone here will be applying to SEAP. I am a high school freshman and this will be my first time applying. If anyone has had experience with SEAP, it would be very much...
View ArticleMy chances of being accepted into Harvard Summer School PRE-COLLEGE PROGRAM?
Hello, I am a Sophomore in HS who wants to experience Harvard. It is my dream and goal to get accepted into this delightful and extraordinary program. After browsing the website for quite some time, a...
View Articlesummer programs that would help you get into ivy leagues
Does anyone know any summer programs in Georgia that would look amazing on your college application, and would also help you to get some sort of experience associated with the medical field?
View ArticleRSI 2016
Hi, this is my first post on this website. I'm currently a HS junior, and I was just wondering if any previous RSI attendees would know when applications for next summer come out. Thanks.
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