Which class should I take?
Im a high school junior currently and I am looking into taking math classes at a local community college over the summer. In 10th grade I took precalc 5.0 (average level class) but i want to take...
View ArticleSummer programs for international 9th graders?
Would anyone be able to provide any link for summer programs (or programs for any other time of the year) for people in 9th grade, entering 10th grade next summer? It would preferably have to be...
View ArticleStagedoor Manor
Does anyone know how many high school (rather than middle school) kids tend to be at Stagedoor Manor? Would a high school student be one of very few in a sea of younger kids or are there a a...
View ArticleWhat will be the best for me ( I am an Indian)
There are many summer .There are only a few which are free for those who are in need.I want to hunt for those summer programs and i want to apply to them.Coming to my academic ,according to my region i...
View ArticleYale Young Global Scholars 2017
Hi everyone! I'm back again, and I will be applying to YYGS 2017 after being waitlisted last year. I can't wait to hear from others who are applying, and what the results might be this year :D
View ArticleJCamp Grad looking for Prestigious Journalism Summer Camp
Hello! I am having a problem that may come across as snooty-I promise I am not. I just finished attending AAJA JCamp. I had the time of my life and am absolutely beyond grateful. Yet, now I am facing...
View ArticleApplying to Summer Camps
Hi it's my first year at boarding school and I'm starting to look at camps I want to apply too, I was wondering. Do I give the camps my home address or my school address for where I want things mailed....
View ArticleRSI 2016
Hi, this is my first post on this website. I'm currently a HS junior, and I was just wondering if any previous RSI attendees would know when applications for next summer come out. Thanks.
View ArticleTASP 2017
I'm going to apply to TASP 2017...add on to the thread if you are too! Hopefully applications come out soon...
View ArticleNJ Governor's School?
I'm applying for the NJ Governor's School summer science program at Drew and was wondering how selective it is? We nominate 2 people for science and 2 people for engineering from my school and then I...
View ArticleWill Summer@Brown understand that my grades were poor my past 2 years?
I was bullied and depressed, but now in a therapeutic classroom this year and have Honor Roll, all A's and B's. My past 2 years I had bad grades, but still managed to get an A in Algebra and D's in my...
View ArticleHow prestigious is the Jackson Lab Summer Student Program?
I just want to get a feel for how selective/prestigious this program is
View ArticlePolicy Debate Camp
Anyone know good policy debate camps for over the summer? ((2nd yr varsity w/ a pretty mediocre record))
View ArticlePSAT Score Affecting Summer Program Chances?
Hello, I'm a current junior who is planning on applying to many summer programs within the field of stem (mostly very competitive although only because that seems to be unavoidable). My schedule is...
View ArticleEndevvr 2017
Does anyone know if the location of Endevvr has been selected for next summer? When will their application be up?
View ArticleLEDA 2016
Hi everyone! I want this thread to be for anyone who is applying, or considering applying to LEDA. If you don't know what it is, it's basically a VERY selective seven-week summer program at Princeton...
View ArticleAnyone willing to read my HSHSP (MSU high school research program) essay?
I was wondering if anyone would be willing to check if I responded to the prompt sufficiently enough, as I feel as though I'm missing something. This is my best bet for research, since it's in my state...
View ArticleAstronomy/Astrophysics Summer Research
I'm a high school junior that is pretty much addicted to astrophysics research. I've done an internship and won awards already on my research in the field. What are some summer programs that will help...
View ArticleDebate camp
Hello All, My son is in freshman year and looking for some good debate camp in summer. Could somebody guide me for that ? We live in Texas .
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