Summer Seminar (USAFA/ USNA/ USMA)
Hi! Summer seminar applications open this week, but I will not have my current PSAT or ACT scores until the end of December. When I took them my sophomore year, I received a 27 on the ACT and on the 8...
View ArticleEmailing college professors about high school internship over the summer?
Sorry if you saw this in the College Admissions thread, I put it in the wrong place so reposting here! :D I'm planning to email professors nearby (I'm in the DC area so probably profs at UVA or VTech)...
View Articlescience summer programs for high school?
Hi, I am a current freshman in high school and looking for summer science programs to attend this summer (in 2017). I've heard of a lot of prestigious ones like RSI and the MIT ones, but those are...
View ArticleMPulse, NW Cherubs or CMU Musical Theater progralms
My daughter is planning on applying to MPulse and Cherubs for musical theater for summer 2017, but for the priority dates are such that if she is accepted to Cherubs, we will need to submit a $1000...
View ArticleSEAP 2017
Hi all, Just wondering if anyone here will be applying to SEAP. I am a high school freshman and this will be my first time applying. If anyone has had experience with SEAP, it would be very much...
Hi there, if anyone else applied for SEAP, when do you think we will hear back??
View ArticleQuality/Non-graded Summer Programs like Vanderbilt VSA
Last summer my rising junior attended VSA at Vanderbilt and really loved it. One class, intense discussions and no homework or grades. She came home very inspired and refreshed. Does anyone have...
View ArticleEmailing professors to work with them (HS internship?)
I'm planning to email professors nearby (I'm in the DC area so probably profs at UVA or VTech) about working with them over the summer in an unpaid internship. I'm interested in the CS field, but...
View ArticleTASS 2017
I haven't seen any threads on this coming year's TASS program, and the application should be available very soon (I think). Anyway, who's applying? Does anyone have any information on acceptance rates,...
View ArticleLeda Scholars Application: 2016-2017
Hi! So, I was thinking that this could be a thread for everyone that is applying to Leda for 2016- 2017. (Cohort 13!)
View ArticleCan NIH-SIP alumni give advice on the application?
I know NIH is a crapshoot for anyone who doesn't have connections (aka me) but I just wrote my cover letter and I was wondering if any NIH-SIP alumni could give me advice on it (over PM) or on applying...
View ArticleTASP 2017
I'm going to apply to TASP 2017...add on to the thread if you are too! Hopefully applications come out soon...
View ArticlePennsylvania Governor's School for the Sciences (PGSS) 2016
Hello! Does anyone have any tips for writing essays to elite summer programs like PGSS? I'm having trouble deciding how to write the personal statement. I really want to get accepted because I love...
View ArticleMITES 2017
Hey everyone! I've seen other threads like this for every year and then realized that one for this year's MITES hadn't been opened. This could be moral support for one another.
View ArticleYale Young Global Scholars 2017
Hi everyone! I'm back again, and I will be applying to YYGS 2017 after being waitlisted last year. I can't wait to hear from others who are applying, and what the results might be this year :D
View ArticleMedical/Engineering Internships or Programs for a Rising Senior
I am currently a junior and REALLY want to find an internships or program for this summer. I am interested in medicine and biomedical engineering, especially neuroscience, and would love to work in...
View Articlestanford social enterprise program?
has anyone been there? how good was experience?
View ArticleNSLI-Y 2017 - 2018
Heyo! I believe it's time to continue the time honored tradition of creating a new NSLI-Y thread. I got as far as semis this year, but I plan to apply again :)
View ArticlePACT (Program in Algorithmic & Computational Thinking)
Has anyone had experience with PACT at Princeton ( If so, I'd like to ask a few questions about it: How selective is this program? There doesn't seem to be a lot of information...
View ArticleNJGSET for 2016-2017 year
Hey!! I thought I could start a thread for the nominees for NJGSET for this year. I'm currently working on the essays... any advice of what to include? I could really use some inspiration.
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