NIH Summer Internship Program *2016-2017*
I know it's a little late to just create this. But is anyone else applying this year? Has anyone gotten any offers yet? How many PI's have you emailed?
View ArticleTASP 2017
I'm going to apply to TASP 2017...add on to the thread if you are too! Hopefully applications come out soon...
View ArticleHow does a move on when ready transcript?
So I'm going to be doing move on when ready over the summer. How does the transcript look like? Will it show which college you took your classes at? Or will it just simply add those classes to your...
View ArticleAnyone apply for the MDIBL research fellowship before?
It seems to be a fairly obscure but good program, so there is very little documentation about it on CC. Anyone attend it before? What were your stats and were you accepted/rejected? Here's a link to...
View ArticleBronfman Fellowship Interview Advice
Hi! I have been selected to receive an interview for the Bronfman Youth Fellowship in Israel, and I was wondering if any alumni or past finalists have any advice for the interview, or can give me an...
View ArticleCaminos Al Futuro Applicants 2017
Hi Everyone! I'm starting a new thread for potential applicants of the Caminos Al Futuro program at The George Washington University. I attended last year and was part of the inaugural cohort. If you...
View ArticleWSBA 2017
Hello Everyone, I am applying to WSBA for the summer of 2017. Is anyone else applying?
View ArticleSimons Summer Research Program 2016
Did anyone apply for Simons 2016 program? last year around this time, some people said they got likely letter, did anyone receive a likely letter yet? Thanks.
View ArticleJackson Laboratory SSP (2016)
I'm applying to the SSP as a junior in high school this fall. Anyone else plan on applying, and any alumni have advice on the application process and the experience there?
View ArticleUCLA HSSRP 2017
Anyone heard anything yet for the early applicant admissions? March 1st is tomorrow!
View ArticleBarnard Summer In The City 2017
Hey guys, I'm applying to Barnard's Summer In The City program this summer and was hoping to connect with other people who are applying or to hear from people who have done it in the past. I'm applying...
View ArticleNSCDA Congressional Colonial Dames Essay Contest
Hi, I am at tenth grade student and just got an email from the national essay coordinators that I was one of two students from my state to be selected for the Congressional Seminar Essay Contest....
View ArticleCarnegie Mellon Summer Programs for Diversity
Has anybody ever been to one of these? I'd like to know how it is, how hard it is to make, the coursework, recreation, etc, etc. I'm seriously considering the design one, especially since (all of them)...
View ArticleCOSMOS 2017
everyone who has gone to cosmos tell me that its great, both academically and socially, and i really really want to get in this year! it'll be my first time writing a summer application so could...
View ArticleGeorgetown 1 week institutes
Hi! I applied to go to the one week institutes at Georgetown this summer (2017). I still haven't decided whether to go to International Relations, American Politics, or National Security/Counter...
hi! I received and email saying based on my PSAT information I may be able to qualify for the quest bridge summer program. However,'y average family income is around 160k. I am Purely Hispanic and at...
View ArticleGoogle CSSI 2017
Hey guys, the applications for this year's program opened on the 21st. I thought I would go ahead and start a thread to connect with applicants. Has anyone else here applied to CSSI and/or the...
View ArticleNew Jersey Scholars Program 2017
Hello! I couldn't find a thread for the 2017 admission pool so I decided to start one. Does anyone who has attended in the past have any feedback for those of us hoping to make it to the interview...
View ArticleSummer Art Program for painting and drawing
Any recommendations for a good summer art program for my daughter, who is interested in painting and perhaps graphic design? She has been a ballet dancer her entire life, and now wants to pursue other...
View ArticleUF SSTP 2017
Fyi University of Florida Student Science Training Program (UF SSTP) for the 2017 summer: "notification of application status will likely begin March 1st. All notifications will be done by email"
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