MIT Launch Regular Decision Round
I think it would be cool to start a new thread for MIT Launch RD applicants. So join the discussion guys! Myself: MIT Launch RD, no interview request yet
View ArticlePhillips Exeter Summer?
Can you guys give some thoughts about the Phillips Exeter Summer? Thank you
View ArticleSummer Course Phillips Exeter Academy or Math Camp USA/Canada?
So I am a very "stem" student and I'm intending to do something in the summer between 9 and 10 grade. Should I choose Summer at Phillips Exeter or Math Camp USA/Candada? Which would look better on a...
View ArticleGarcia Summer Research 2017
The release of the new 2017 Garcia application marks the beginning of a new CC thread. A group of garcia alumni from last year have decided to start it this year so that we can provide the most...
View ArticleSummer Programs That Look Good on College Applications
-RSI -TASP List more if you can, I'd like to check out the websites for next year.
View ArticleRSI 2017 Decisions
I know this is early, but once decisions are out, please fill this out. (I hope this will help future applicants as I haven't seen any college decision like threads for RSI before) Choose One:...
View ArticleNSLI-Y 2017 - 2018
Heyo! I believe it's time to continue the time honored tradition of creating a new NSLI-Y thread. I got as far as semis this year, but I plan to apply again :)
View ArticleSummer Internships
I'm currently a senior in high school, and I was looking into the possibility of doing summer internships this year. For my future career path, I'm striving towards investment banking; however, I...
View ArticleWonderful - and free! - summer math camp at Texas A&M
My daughter attended this several years ago and had a great experience, both socially and academically.
View ArticleNotre Dame Leadership Seminar 2017
Hello all! This thread is for those juniors (part of the Class of 2018) applying to the Notre Dame Leadership Seminars for the summer before the 2017-2018 school year! Feel free to list your stats, ask...
View ArticleHow easy is it to get into the Girls Who Code summer immersion program?
I applied just now, nervous because I live in a very academically competitive area. Is it unreasonable to start planning my summer around this? I've done robotics and girl scoyts for a while, think my...
View ArticleNew Jersey Scholars Program 2017
Hello! I couldn't find a thread for the 2017 admission pool so I decided to start one. Does anyone who has attended in the past have any feedback for those of us hoping to make it to the interview...
View ArticleTASS 2017
I haven't seen any threads on this coming year's TASS program, and the application should be available very soon (I think). Anyway, who's applying? Does anyone have any information on acceptance rates,...
View ArticleUSC Bovard Scholars
Has anyone heard of or been apart of the USC Bovard Scholars Program? It seems like a great opportunity but I can't find any information on how difficult is to be accepted, and I'd also love to hear...
View ArticleSPARC 2017 Discussion
Since the deadline was yesterday, I think it's okay to discuss applications to SPARC (the Summer Program in Applied Rationality in Cognition, held in UC Berkeley)! Anyone else apply?
View ArticleDo Pre College summer camps help at all with admissions?
I'm planning on going to a summer journalism camp at BU this summer, and since I want to go to BU would this help me at all to put on my application that I went there, especially since it was at that...
View ArticleRSI 2017
If I'm applying to RSI next year, what should I do to increase my chances (other than take the sat and act)?
View ArticleMITES 2017
Hey everyone! I've seen other threads like this for every year and then realized that one for this year's MITES hadn't been opened. This could be moral support for one another.
View ArticleJackson Laboratory SSP 2017
i haven't seen anyone make a thread for this yet. Anyone else out there who's applied? I'm sooo nervous for results gosh I would really love to attend this program.
View ArticleCalifornia Youth Think Tank
Has anyone ever attended California Youth Think Tank? If so, how was it?
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