Hey guys I just was wondering if any of you have applied for the page program for the summer? Are any of you applying from California?
Senate Page Program 2019
Canada Research Science Institute
I got an email from Maite Ballestero saying that RSI only accepts Canadian students from Newfoundland. She says this has always been the case. Is this true?
Junior Academy Applications Open (Highly Competitive International Research Program)
Reply down for any questions, I'm a part of the Junior Academy!
Reply down for any questions, I'm a part of the Junior Academy!
Ask questions about summer programs here!
Hi CC,
I am currently a senior and have been accepted to some of the best summer programs in the nation. I encourage anyone to ask questions!
Here's my credentials (it's a chance thread :P )
Here is a list of the programs I have been accepted to over the past three summers:
COSMOS (attended)
SIP (UCSC one)
SIP (the other more well known one)
Awesome Math
USA/Canada Math Camp
TASP (attended)
Ross (attended)
Simons Research Program
Was an alternate for RSI (sad boi)
EPGY (Stanford)
I hope that I can help everyone get into their summer programs! I will gladly look over any application essays. Just PM me. Keep in mind that I cannot guarantee anything, but I will try my best to help. Also, I am just a student with college apps so I may be late responding to y'all.
MODERATORS' NOTE: Anyone is free to ask or answer questions in this thread.
I am currently a senior and have been accepted to some of the best summer programs in the nation. I encourage anyone to ask questions!
Here's my credentials (it's a chance thread :P )
Here is a list of the programs I have been accepted to over the past three summers:
COSMOS (attended)
SIP (UCSC one)
SIP (the other more well known one)
Awesome Math
USA/Canada Math Camp
TASP (attended)
Ross (attended)
Simons Research Program
Was an alternate for RSI (sad boi)
EPGY (Stanford)
I hope that I can help everyone get into their summer programs! I will gladly look over any application essays. Just PM me. Keep in mind that I cannot guarantee anything, but I will try my best to help. Also, I am just a student with college apps so I may be late responding to y'all.
MODERATORS' NOTE: Anyone is free to ask or answer questions in this thread.
International student applying to RSI?
I am an international student interested in applying to the Research Science Institute and have noticed that the page states that international students have their own selection procedure and schedule. I'd like to hear from international students who have previously applied to RSI: did you fill in the application on the page or contacted CEE and followed a completely different application procedure? Any help and further details will be very much appreciated!
I am an international student interested in applying to the Research Science Institute and have noticed that the page states that international students have their own selection procedure and schedule. I'd like to hear from international students who have previously applied to RSI: did you fill in the application on the page or contacted CEE and followed a completely different application procedure? Any help and further details will be very much appreciated!
Legitimate Law Programs?
I’ve been looking into summer law programs but a lot of the ones I’ve found, especially some of the ones at really prestigious schools, look good at first, but from further research it seems like they’re just scams for money that don’t help you in the admissions process at all. What are some summer law programs that will actually teach me something and help my college application?
Requirments for Senate Page Program?
Hello! I'm a junior this year and I just started looking to the US Senate Page Program. I was thinking of applying, but I had a couple of questions that i've been struggling to find the answesrs for. Like, do you get to choose which session you apply for, or do they assign it to you. Also, I noticed that on my Senator's page there was a short list of things needed to submit and requirments, and then while I was reading up I saw that there were some requirements like holding a student office position, etc. Does anyone know if those are requirments set by the program, or just the specific senator?
COSMOS 2020 Thread
Hi guys!
From what i can see, at the moment there isn't a thread for COSMOS 2020 so I'm starting one.
Just some general questions I have
1. best campus (like scenery and just general niceness)
2. most and least competitive campus or clusters
3. other ppl who have gotten in stats or watever
i really want to do a bio cluster because I LOVE biology, but i heard those are REALLLY competitive
my stats
asian gorl (if that matters)
9th grade (which sucks because 9th graders don't really get in ;(
-4.0 GPA hopefully
- taking APWH and AP Calc BC this year
- took 5 APs last year (Calc BC, Bio, Macro/Microecon, Psych)
- 2 800's on SAT Subject tests (Bio M and Math 2)
- choir since grade 1 (but that probs don't really matter cuz its a STEM camp rip)
- science bowl since 6th grade, went to nats last year and got 6th out of 48 teams
- and thats basically it rip
( ^^^ not trying to flex bros. i don't want to be that one pretentious fool who has a huge ego
but thats wat i sound like right now ik)
last year i applied but i didn't get in. probs cuz i realized cosmos was a thing like 2 weeks before the deadline but watever.
do you think i have a chance? i don't have that many sciency extracirriculars which sucks.
also which cluster/school should i apply.
(note - i realllllly want to go to COSMOS because freedom from parents and actualy hands on experience. also everyone says COSMOS is really fun and interesting)
From what i can see, at the moment there isn't a thread for COSMOS 2020 so I'm starting one.
Just some general questions I have
1. best campus (like scenery and just general niceness)
2. most and least competitive campus or clusters
3. other ppl who have gotten in stats or watever
i really want to do a bio cluster because I LOVE biology, but i heard those are REALLLY competitive
my stats
asian gorl (if that matters)
9th grade (which sucks because 9th graders don't really get in ;(
-4.0 GPA hopefully
- taking APWH and AP Calc BC this year
- took 5 APs last year (Calc BC, Bio, Macro/Microecon, Psych)
- 2 800's on SAT Subject tests (Bio M and Math 2)
- choir since grade 1 (but that probs don't really matter cuz its a STEM camp rip)
- science bowl since 6th grade, went to nats last year and got 6th out of 48 teams
- and thats basically it rip
( ^^^ not trying to flex bros. i don't want to be that one pretentious fool who has a huge ego

last year i applied but i didn't get in. probs cuz i realized cosmos was a thing like 2 weeks before the deadline but watever.
do you think i have a chance? i don't have that many sciency extracirriculars which sucks.
also which cluster/school should i apply.
(note - i realllllly want to go to COSMOS because freedom from parents and actualy hands on experience. also everyone says COSMOS is really fun and interesting)
MIT THINK Scholar Advice
I want to submit my proposal for the MIT THINK Scholars program. Any previous winners have advice? Does anyone know how many people apply each year? They send results back really fast (according to the timeline they posted) so I assumed not many. Also, how was the experience? Did you enjoy it? Do you think this would look good on a college application? It's not a program where you pay to go and is based solely on your work.
I know it's pretty early to be thinking about this since COSMOS application doesn't start until a few months later, but I was wondering if anyone knows how competitive Quantum Mechanics/Nanotechnology cluster at UC Davis is?
I know it's pretty early to be thinking about this since COSMOS application doesn't start until a few months later, but I was wondering if anyone knows how competitive Quantum Mechanics/Nanotechnology cluster at UC Davis is?
SEAP Summer 2019
Waiting to hear about SEAP for Summer 2019. If you hear anything, please post.
Johns Hopkins University HOME Fly-in 2019
Hey guys, I just submitted my app for this program so I figured I'd make the discussion for it for this year.
YES Abroad 2020-2021
I didn't see a thread started for this new year.
Does anyone know if Morocco is open to people with no prior French skills this year?
Does anyone know if Morocco is open to people with no prior French skills this year?
TASP 2020
I know it's really early and TASP results for 2019 have just come out, but I'm really looking forward to applying to TASP next year! Has anyone else started thinking about it yet, or am I just really overeager?
High School Diplomats 2019
Hi! I didn't see a forum for HSD 2019 yet, so I decided to make one.
"High School Diplomats (HSD) is a scholarship program that brings together high school students from the United States and Japan each summer through two parallel experiences. HSD U.S. provides the opportunity for American and Japanese students to meet at Princeton University for ten days of cultural exchange. HSD Japan allows American students who have successfully completed HSD U.S. to apply for a full scholarship to travel to Japan for a month the following summer."
"High School Diplomats (HSD) is a scholarship program that brings together high school students from the United States and Japan each summer through two parallel experiences. HSD U.S. provides the opportunity for American and Japanese students to meet at Princeton University for ten days of cultural exchange. HSD Japan allows American students who have successfully completed HSD U.S. to apply for a full scholarship to travel to Japan for a month the following summer."
SIMR 2019
Hi guys the Stanford SIMR applications are out so this thread is just here to discuss the program, ask questions and receive advice from peers
Summer Programs for Rising Sophomores
Hello! I'm currently a freshman in high school and I'm looking at various summer programs I could attend.
Just FYI, I live in California and attend a top public high school. I'm pretty much set on doing something in the business/entrepreneurship/finance field, and I would also love to pursue law after my undergraduate years. My dream school is the University of Pennsylvania, specifically Wharton. In school, I participate in Speech & Debate, Mock Trial, DECA, and Investment Club. I also participate in molecular biology/environmental science research, so COSMOS is already in my radar and I'm planning to apply.
What summer programs should I apply to that I'm eligible for (in age)? Recommendations can range from business to debate to law, or really anything in between that will enhance my future application to universities, and most importantly, be a great experience.
Thank you all ahead of time!
Just FYI, I live in California and attend a top public high school. I'm pretty much set on doing something in the business/entrepreneurship/finance field, and I would also love to pursue law after my undergraduate years. My dream school is the University of Pennsylvania, specifically Wharton. In school, I participate in Speech & Debate, Mock Trial, DECA, and Investment Club. I also participate in molecular biology/environmental science research, so COSMOS is already in my radar and I'm planning to apply.
What summer programs should I apply to that I'm eligible for (in age)? Recommendations can range from business to debate to law, or really anything in between that will enhance my future application to universities, and most importantly, be a great experience.
Thank you all ahead of time!
Attending the Harvard Secondary School Program
I'm a junior this year searching for summer activities. I was wondering how attending the Harvard Secondary School Program would affect admissions chances at Harvard?
What are Good STEM/non-STEM Summer Programs Open to International Students?
Besides RSI, HSS.
NC Governor's School Admissions
I have two questions: 1) Are any of the subjects more competitive than the others? I'm pretty open to most of the subjects (sounds fake but I actually am pretty interested in most things) and am wondering if applying for one would increase or decrease me chances. 2) what are they looking for? how does the admissions process work?
thanks to anyone who has any input, these are super specific questions!
thanks to anyone who has any input, these are super specific questions!