UChicago RIBS and RIBS 2
Hi everybody! A while ago, @AxolotlMaster posted a helpful overview of the RIBS program at the University of Chicago...
View ArticleTASS 2018
TASS applications are supposed to open up in October and i really want to apply! I know it's kind of early but the application is supposed pretty long so I'd love any advice from TASS alumni. And does...
View ArticleNotre Dame Leadership Seminar 2018
Anybody applying to the Notre Dame Leadership Seminar for this summer?
View ArticleSummer Programs Search
Hi! I'm currently a junior and am starting to look for summer programs or internships for this coming summer. I am interested in International Affairs and Security. I am an all honors/AP student with a...
View ArticleBest writing camps 2018 - chance me
Hey, chance me or lmk how these camps are? Main camps I'm looking into: Iowa Young Writers' Institute Carleton College Summer Writing Program (seems great) Reynolds Young Writers' Workshop Stats:...
View ArticleBoston-Area Summer Programs?
tl;dr: Looking for suggestions for science research internships/programs near Boston for summer 2018! Hi everyone, I'm getting ready to start looking for and applying to science research internships...
View ArticleUSC Bovard Scholars
Has anyone heard of or been apart of the USC Bovard Scholars Program? It seems like a great opportunity but I can't find any information on how difficult is to be accepted, and I'd also love to hear...
View ArticleRSI 2018
This may seem a little early, but it may be helpful to discuss what we're doing to get ahead of the curve.
View ArticleMIT Launch 2018
Starting a MIT Launch thread for y'all next year. Launch '17 alum here. Hmu if you have any questions!
View ArticleTelluride Association Summer Program (TASP) 2018
I know the 2017 program hasn't ended yet, but yeah let's talk about next year's TASP.
View ArticleMITES 2018
Hey everyone! I've seen other threads like this for every year and it would be great if former students can collaborate with info and tips.
View ArticleSummer Program for Current Junior Hoping to go into Premed
Hi guys, I am currently a junior and I hope to become a physician (in specific a cardiologist). During the summer before my senior year, so June-August of 2018, I hope to partake in a summer program...
View ArticleJCamp Application Time
Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone knew what date Asian American Journalists Association's Jcamp application would open up for the summer of 2018; I've looked everywhere and couldn't find it....
View ArticleSenate Page Program Spring 2018
I applied for the Spring 2018 session of the Senate Page Program and was wondering if anyone else who has applied have gotten their acceptances or rejects yet
View ArticleLEDA Cohort 14 - Apply Now!
Hello, I am a scholar from Cohort 13. I am starting this forum for anyone who is interested in applying and would like to know more about this incredible program.
View ArticleChance me for RSI!
Male junior from Midwest ACT: 34 English: 32 Math: 34 Science: 36 Reading: 34 Writing: 9 No SAT subject tests as of right now APs: World(4) USH(5) Lang and comp (4) (Currently taking BC calculus and...
View ArticleTemple of Understanding UN summer Program 2018
Hi, Minimum age the application says is 16 years. I am not sure at the time of applying or when program starts. Is it for high school current sophomores, juniors and seniors or only for juniors or...
View ArticleMy Chances at Research Science Institute 2018?
Hi! So I am junior from Arizona, and I am interested in pursuing research opportunities such as RSI! Stats: GPA: unweighted 4.0, weighted 4.4-4.5 AP Scores: AP Chem 5, AP Bio 4, AP World History 5, AP...
View Articleinternship rec letter
hello! Over a summer, i worked at a health center. My supervisor wants to send the rec letter. Does he have to send it to every colleges that im applying to, or do I send it to the colleges that im...
View ArticleHSD Princeton Summer Program?
anyone heard about this??? would love some input from alumni. seems awesome but can't really find too much info on it
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