Good Affordable Summer Research Programs for Rising Juniors
So I am a 10th grader who wants to conduct machine learning/data science research over the summer. As a result, I have decided to look up different research summer camps. However, most of the camps...
View ArticleChances for UF SSTP?
I'm an Asian male in my junior year, and I'm in-state for SSTP. Here are my stats: SAT: 1500 (750 math, 750 reading) PSAT: 1490 (750 math, 740 reading) I haven't taken the ACT or any SAT subject tests...
View ArticleWhat Should I Do This Summer?
Hello all, I am currently a junior and I am fretting about not doing enough outside of the classroom that demonstrates my interests, because colleges like to see that right? I've taken AP Bio, and AP...
View ArticleIs Discovery Internships worth it?
I was wondering if anyone here has had any experience with Discovery Internships, because I was thinking of applying. Additional help regarding what a high school student living in Canada can do to...
View ArticleIs Stanford Intensive Law and Trial Worth It?
Got a letter from Stanford, saying I was the one student to be invited, etc. etc. but to cut to the chase, what are your opinions on this program? I'm pouring my heart and soul into TASP currently, but...
View ArticleSummer programs: start looking IN WINTER
OK, I've been through this before and I'm going to give a little mini-lecture on the summer programs process for those who are new to this: If you haven't already, START LOOKING AT PROGRAMS NOW. Spend...
View ArticleSummer Programs That Look Good on College Applications
-RSI -TASP List more if you can, I'd like to check out the websites for next year.
View ArticleWhat are good programs that are either no cost or can offer full scholarships?
I'm really low income, so there's that. My UW GPA is 3.87, W is 4.2. I'm hispanic. I'm a Junior. What are good programs that I can apply to now or in the future?
View ArticleMIT Launch 2018
Starting a MIT Launch thread for y'all next year. Launch '17 alum here. Hmu if you have any questions!
View ArticleTASS 2018
TASS applications are supposed to open up in October and i really want to apply! I know it's kind of early but the application is supposed pretty long so I'd love any advice from TASS alumni. And does...
View ArticleUPCI 2017
Did anyone else apply to the UPCI (University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute) Program?
View ArticleLEDA Class of 2019
Hi guys! Is anyone applying to LEDA? I saw something like this with class of 2018 and I was hoping we could be a support group for one another. I know I sure need it lol
View ArticleColumbia Summer Immersion Program- Intro to Programming in C
So I'm currently a freshman and I am considering applying to Columbia's 3-Week Summer Emersion Program, specifically to their Computer Science courses but the application states that I should "describe...
View ArticleUS Senate Page Program 2017
I applied to the Senate Page Summer Session 2017. Does anyone know when acceptance and rejection letters come out?
View ArticleRSI 2018
This may seem a little early, but it may be helpful to discuss what we're doing to get ahead of the curve.
View ArticleTASP 2018
TASP 2018 applications are out! I wanted to create this thread to hear from some other hopeful TASPers and to discuss the application process! :) Has anyone started writing the essays yet? I've looked...
View ArticleSimons Summer Research Program 2018
Hey guys!!!! I haven't seen a thread for Simons 2018 so I decided to make one. i am an ALUM from the ever-so-illustrious Simons Class of 2017 so don't hesitate if y'all have questions about the...
View ArticleNIH Summer Internship Program 2018
Hi guys! I am applying for the NIH's SIP this year, and I thought that others applying might come find this thread so we can talk about it. I'm most worried about having to email PI's. I feel like I'm...
View ArticleBoston University RISE Program
Hi Does anyone have any recent experience with this program? Admission process? Essays? Acceptance rates? Thank you Irene
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