Uchicago Neubauer Summer Scholars 2016
Anyone here apply? We should be hearing decisions in the next few days!
View ArticleChance me for Mathily
Following are details of my application I completed all of the questions on EAR, but there is one question that I am not sure about Group V, distinguished,School Champion Canadian Senior Math Contest...
View ArticleNJ Scholars Program 2016
I haven´t been able to find any discussion on the NJ Scholar Program for this year, so I am starting one. I recently received my semifinalist letter, so I was wondering if anyone has any tips for the...
View ArticleWest Point/USMA SLE 2016
So I recently just got accepted to West Point's SLE, and made this thread because I want to get to know some people who got accepted as well so I can meet them when I get there. Also for anyone who's...
View ArticleBank of America Student Leadership Summer Internship 2016
Figured I'd start a thread for those of us applying this year. I'm in the DC market, what about you guys?
View ArticleUnited Nations Internship
I recently got accepted into a high school internship program at the United Nations in NYC this summer. The internship runs for five weeks and we have the opportunity to attend our choice of open...
View ArticleUCSD Academic Connections or Research Scholar
My son was accepted to the Scripps Marine Science program in the UCSD Academic Connections (AC) for this summer. I also made him apply to the Research Scholars (RS) program since he qualified for it,...
View ArticleHarvard Pre-College Program or MIT Launch 2016?
Hi everyone, I am currently a junior entering senior year this fall. This summer I applied to Harvard's Pre-College Program as well as to MIT Launch. I have been profoundly blessed in being accepted...
View ArticleCooper Union STEM Summer Program
I got into the Cooper Union program and was wondering if it would be would look good in the college application process if I attended this program?
View ArticleCarnegie mellon sams program 2016
Anyone get their decisions in the mail yet for SAMS program?
View ArticleQuestbridge
Quest bridge is a big joke to the middle class they only cater to the very low income and undocumented students! Really!! So if your middle class income students do not even bother applying !! your not...
View ArticleSCA National Crews 2016
Just wondering- did anyone apply for a position on a Student Conservation Association National Crew for this summer? I submitted my application in mid-February and can't wait to hear back! We all...
View ArticleGoogle CSSI 2016 Discussion
Hey guys, I figured I would go ahead and start a new thread for this since I hadn't seen one for this summer. Did anyone else here apply for CSSI and/or the Generation Google Scholarship? Can't wait to...
View ArticleMITES 2016 Discussion
Hey future juniors and everyone considering applying for MITES, what's up? Feel free to post stats on this thread or other info regarding MITES.
View ArticleMichigan Math and Science Scholars
I just got accepted into this program at university of Michigan for the summer and I was just wondering if there is anyone who has been there before and could answer some of my questions. Do a lot of...
View ArticleWest Point SLE (Session 1 and 2) Forum, 2016
Hey, ya'll! I got accepted into the West Point SLE program for session 2, and I was wondering who else is attending. Feel free to comment if you are too, or you're in the midst of "pending", hahaha....
View ArticlePennMed Summer Program for High School Students acceptance
Acceptances for the PennMed summer program came out yesterday. Who else was accepted?
View ArticleIs there anything free left to apply for?
I thought I'd have something to do this summer, but I've been rejected from almost 10 programs and only have Girls State to go to, which is a week long. So, any programs left, preferably STEM focused?...
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