Hi! Recently, as a sophomore in high school, I applied to HCSSiM. I was wondering how long it takes for the program to get back to you on whether or not you are accepted, and what the acceptance rate...
View ArticleCarnegie Mellon SAMS and AP/EA 2016
Couldn't find a post for this so I thought I'd start one. Feel free to share stats and thoughts about whether you are going to get accepted into the program or not.
View ArticleRoss Mathematics vs. Upenn M&TSI, which one is better?
Thankfully I have been admitted into both Ross and M&TSI. I'm wondering which one is more worthwhile, particularly in regard to College Admission. Any idea? Thank you very much.
View ArticleSummer programs for senior students?
Does anyone know any camp or program in which students graduating this year can participate?
View ArticleYES program for graduating senior?
My daughter is entering her senior year of high school in September of 2016 and will graduate in June 2017. Does anyone know if she is eligible for the Kennedy-Lugar YES program for a gap year? It is...
View ArticleIowa SSTP?
Hello! I am currently a highschool sophomore, and I was looking into some summer programs to boost my future college resume as well as my research experience. So I found SSTP along with a couple of...
View ArticleJunior Statesmen of America at Princeton
I'm currently a Sophmore and this summer I'm attending the JSA Princeton APUSH program. Has anyone done this program and wants to share some insight?
View ArticlePrometheus Education summer program
Doe anyone have any information/experience/feedback with Prometheus Education summer intensive program? My D just got an interview after applying.
View ArticleSUMaC 2016?
I'm interested in applying to SUMaC for the summer of 2016. Does anyone know when apps will come out? And also to those who are SUMaC alumni, what was your experience like? What was the rigor of the...
View ArticleSummer Programs for Graduated Students?
Hello, I'm a senior about to graduate this year. Looking for summer programs or internships that accept graduated seniors? Highly prefer programs/internships that are free
View ArticleRSI 2016
Hi, this is my first post on this website. I'm currently a HS junior, and I was just wondering if any previous RSI attendees would know when applications for next summer come out. Thanks.
View ArticleStanford Summer Humanities Institute 2015
Hi guys! I'm an alumni of this program (from 2014), and I absolutely LOVED it, and I really hope to encourage many people to apply to this program. You will meet the most amazing people (not kidding),...
View ArticleIs columbia summer program worth the money?
I already have a job and volunteer work at a hospital for this summer but I know once school starts in september I'm gonna be so busy with school, work and apps so would it be worth it to attend a one...
View ArticleHow good does the Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program look on college apps?
I'm a rising junior and I've just applied for the Girls Who Code summer program. How good does it look on college apps? Over the years, I've learned to code in various languages and have done a comp...
View ArticleNotre Dame Leadership Seminar 2016!!
Hello to all that will be applying to the Notre Dame Leadership Seminar!! Feel free to post stats, concerns, questions, etc., on this post.... We shall struggle together! LOL
View ArticleCOSMOS UCI
Hello everyone! I was wondering if anyone was applying to UCI's COSMOS summer program. If so what cluster?
View ArticleGOOGLE CSSI 2015??
Hello I'm a high school senior planning to apply for th CSSI program for next summer.. i'm taking a programming class at school this year but other than that i'm pretty much a noob. i guess others...
View ArticleCarnegie Mellon SAMS and AP/EA 2016
Couldn't find a post for this so I thought I'd start one. Feel free to share stats and thoughts about whether you are going to get accepted into the program or not.
View ArticleLBW vs M&TSI vs Launch
Hi guys! I've been accepted to LBW (uPenn), M&TSI (uPenn), and Launch (MIT). MIT Launch's summer program is for the month of June while LBW and M&TSI overlap during the month of July. I could...
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